Flying Submarines

Airborne Submersibles Are the Future of Aqua Tech

Everyone at one point or another dreams of going on a submarine, visiting the dark depths of our oceanic world. But how many of you can say you have had the dream of being on an airborne submersible, reaching down to the darkest chasm and then blasting off into the stratosphere? The images here are not just pieces of fantasy art conjured up by some comic book artist, but real concepts the US and Russian militaries were developing during the cold war and are still working on to this day. Hard to believe images that look futuristic now were thought of half a century ago!

However, these airborne submersibles are still a thing of the future. I'm sure in our lifetimes however we will be exclaiming "its a bird, it a plane, no it's a fish, no it's a flying submarine!"
Trend Themes
1. Airborne Submersibles - Opportunity to disrupt the maritime transportation industry by creating hybrid flying/underwater vehicles.
2. Aqua Tech - Opportunity to innovate and develop technology for underwater exploration as well as submersibles that can travel to great depths and across long distances.
3. Cold War Technologies - Opportunity to modernize and commercialize technologies that were once exclusive to military applications, such as airborne submersibles.
Industry Implications
1. Maritime Transportation - Developing flying submersibles as a new mode of transportation that is faster and more efficient than traditional ships or aircraft.
2. Military - Exploring and improving the capabilities of airborne submersibles for reconnaissance, search and rescue, and other military applications.
3. Underwater Exploration - Creating new technology to enable deeper and more extensive exploration of the ocean floor and its ecosystems.

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