Nearly Mirrored Marketing

This Adam Teva V'Din Campaign Shows the Impact of Community Involvement

The frustrating fact is that the law is not always on citizens' side when it comes to matters of urban infrastructure, but this Adam Teva V'Din campaign asserts that when the public communicates dissatisfaction, subtle modifications can pave the way to great rewards.

The non-profit organization hired the BBR Saatchi & Saatchi advertising agency of Tel Aviv, to put together a run of prints to initiate a dialogue between individuals and larger commercial and government bodies. Email suggestions, requests and complaints are encouraged so that this agency can advocate for change.

To demonstrate the benefits of establishing a discussion, each of the three ads pictures two extracted fragments of the same city. Side-by-side in this Adam Teva V'Din campaign they look nearly alike, but in the right hand image, issues like air traffic and pollution have been better controlled.
Trend Themes
1. Community-led Advocacy - Non-profits and activists will increasingly leverage advertising campaigns to foster open communication and effect change.
2. Urban Infrastructure Awareness - Constructing campaigns demonstrating the long-term impact of urban infrastructure choices on quality of life will become a priority for governments and industry.
3. Digitally Enhanced Communication - Organisations and governments will utilise digital channels to encourage greater public involvement in discussions on urban infrastructure improvements.
Industry Implications
1. Non-profit - By leveraging marketing campaigns and technology to encourage public activism and advocacy, non-profits have a major role to play in shaping urban infrastructure.
2. Advertising - Marketing agencies will see increased demand for purpose-driven campaigns to drive public awareness and catalyze community action.
3. Urban Planning and Development - Designers and developers have a significant opportunity to shape the future of urban infrastructure through increased collaboration with non-profits and the public.

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