Sci-Fi Movie Timepieces

The Abhinav Dapke 'Tron: Legacy' Function Watch is a Techtastic Treat

If you weren't satisfied with Scott Galloway's 7r0n watch, perhaps Abhinav Dapke can accommodate you.

Dapke has designed a new 'Tron: Legacy' watch complete with its new logo and theme. This futuristic watch fits like a large bracelet with the time displayed in hours and five-minute interval hexagon slots that spread across the watch. If you've already a bought Tron-related helmet, light cycle and headphones, you might as well shell out a couple bucks for a cool-looking watch to complete your attire.
Trend Themes
1. Futuristic Movie-inspired Watches - Design innovative timepieces inspired by popular sci-fi movies.
2. Hexagonal Time Display - Introduce a unique hexagonal time display system in watch designs.
3. Complementing Science-fiction Merchandise - Create a range of innovative tech accessories that complement popular science-fiction merchandise.
Industry Implications
1. Watchmaking - Integrate futuristic designs with traditional watchmaking techniques.
2. Entertainment Merchandise - Partner with sci-fi movie studios to create unique merchandise that complements their films.
3. Tech Accessories - Introduce high-tech accessories that complement popular tech devices and merchandise.

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