Hollow Donut-Shaped Seating

A Cotton in the Air by Jeilpark Appears to Defy Physics

A Cotton in the Air is a unique donut-shaped seat that appears to defy physics. That is because it takes on a hollow form despite being made out of a flimsy woven material. Of course, there is no magic behind this incredible piece of furniture, just a bit of unconventional craftsmanship and boat-loads of creativity.

Designed by Studio JEILPARK, a design firm based in Seoul, Korea, A Cotton in the Air is at once whimsical and contemporary. According to the designers, "This rough project named 'A cotton in the air' is for challenging of boundary of 'chair' with using specific material and shape." Known for their minimalist furniture pieces that take on unique forms, this seat fits in perfectly.
Trend Themes
1. Hollow Donut-shaped Seating - Opportunity for crafting unconventional furniture using flimsy woven materials.
Industry Implications
1. Furniture Design - Opportunity for design firms to create whimsical and contemporary furniture pieces.
2. Interior Design - Opportunity to incorporate unique seating options into interior design concepts.
3. Craftsmanship - Opportunity to explore unconventional techniques and materials in furniture making.

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