Titanium 3D-Printed Heels

These Titanium 3D High Heels are Anything But Ordinary

These Titanium 3D High Heels are created by Bryan Oknyansky. He wants to bring 3D printed shoes to a wide audience. Muuse x Vogue is currently holding the Young Vision Award Accessories 2014.

As of right now, the votes have starting pouring in and the designers are in round one. Round two is when Vogue Senior Fashion Editor and Vogue Talents Editor Sara Maino will be personally choosing the winner. Only 50 designers will be making it to the second round.

These heels are fierce and fabulous. They look futuristic and are part of the ‘Heavy Metal Series.’ The premise of the collection is to fuse technology and beauty together. The Heavy Metal Series is the world’s first titanium alloy high heel that uses 3D printing. The collection was created based on a fusion of architectural design research and advanced digital fabrication technology. The end result of these titanium 3D high heels is a one-of-a-kind shoe with technology, luxury and beauty.
Trend Themes
1. 3D Printing in Fashion - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Explore the use of 3D printing technology in the fashion industry to create unique and customizable products.
2. Futuristic Fashion Accessories - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop fashion accessories that combine technology, luxury, and futuristic design elements to cater to the evolving consumer preferences.
3. Digital Fabrication in Footwear - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Embrace digital fabrication techniques in the footwear industry to create innovative, lightweight, and highly personalized shoes.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Incorporate 3D printing and digital fabrication technologies into the fashion industry to revolutionize the design and manufacturing processes.
2. Footwear - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Explore the use of titanium alloy and 3D printing in the footwear industry to create cutting-edge and technologically advanced shoe designs.
3. Luxury Goods - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Combine technology and luxury in the production of high-end fashion accessories to cater to the demand for exclusive and innovative products.

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