Co-Op Ship Maintenance Games

39 Days to Mars Tasks Players with Maintaining a Dying Vessel

Space travel has always been a theme in video games but few manage to represent it in as an inventive way as 39 Days to Mars. Developed by It's Anecdotal, this indie game allows for couch co-op and tasks players with piloting and maintaining the HMS Fearful on a noble endeavor to the red planet. Throughout the journey, players will have to perform multiple tasks on the ship that range from fiddling with the ship's wiring to pouring a decent cup of tea.

Dealing with a failing ship may seem like the only focus of the game, but 39 Days to Mars also contains bits of the story told in the game's art style. Inspired by 18th-century nautical maps, the game takes on an interesting 2D art style that features illustrated artwork.
Trend Themes
1. Co-op Space Travel Games - Opportunity to develop multiplayer games that involve cooperative space travel and ship maintenance tasks.
2. Innovative Game Art Styles - Potential for creating games with unique and engaging art styles, such as 18th-century nautical maps.
3. Realistic Ship Maintenance Simulators - Potential for realistic simulators that focus on the maintenance and piloting of ships, providing a unique gaming experience.
Industry Implications
1. Video Game Development - Opportunity for game developers to create innovative co-op space travel games and realistic ship maintenance simulators.
2. Art and Design - Opportunity for artists and designers to explore and create unique game art styles inspired by historical themes, like 18th-century nautical maps.
3. Simulation Technology - Opportunity for companies in simulation technology to develop realistic ship maintenance simulators for training or entertainment purposes.

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