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Lynette K.

Toronto, Ontario
Member Since
Feb 2013
I am a native Torontonian who pursued a Bachelor of Commerce at the University of Toronto. Shortly after graduation, I secured a one-year teaching position in South Korea. Things went so well for me that I chose to extend my contract, and wound up working in South East Asia for an additional year. Throughout my stay abroad, I experienced a few hiccups here and there, but overall I had a wonderful experience. I have no regrets!

Likes include: discovery, humour, great writing, creativity, entertainment, and fearlessness!
What is unique that's not in your bio?
I cannot taste whipped cream. I spent the majority of my life convinced that it has no taste, and thus figured that others only bothered with it for decorative purposes.
What's your favorite accomplishment?
Managing to successfully move to South Korea on my own and work there for nearly two years.
How do you define cool?
Being unapologetically yourself.
What is your secret to uncovering trends?
Research (staying informed), and observation.
What do you enjoy most about Trend Hunter?
The entertaining and/or informative videos. I also appreciate the fact that a wide variety of trends are covered!
What is your favorite trend?
Real-sized female mannequins. I think it's a brilliant idea.
What are your tips for writing a juicy post?
Make sure that the information contained in the post is current, relevant, fresh, and that it has not already been covered from the angle you plan to write from multiple times already!
How do you reset to be creative?
Read, take a walk, take a nap... whatever relaxes me.
What inspires or excites you?
Regular people doing incredible things inspire me. Novelty excites me. I enjoy doing things that I have never done before, or acquiring a skill that I did not possess previously.
Predict something awesome for 2020?
English will no longer be the lingua franca.