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 Keynote Speaker

Jonelle Fenton

Record Label Exec
New York
Member Since
Nov 2005
Adventure does not begin to describe Jonelle. While she started her career as an Investment Banker with CSFB, it didn't take long before she was the manager of Star 69 Records. She's also been on a reality TV show, hosted a public broadcasting news show, and travelled half the world. She loves music, fashion, and style.
Stylish Upcycled Speakers
Stylish Upcycled Speakers
Rebaroque Sound Frame Cadillac Series at the Buick 'Regal Remix'
(SPONSORED) One of the Trend Hunter-approved items from the Wired store Buick 'Regal Remix' event (Decemember 8th), the Rebaroque Sound Frame Cadillac Series speakers are a stylish and eco-friendly way… MORE
Toilet-Worthy Phone Stands
Toilet-Worthy Phone Stands
The iPlunge, at the Buick 'Regal Remix,' Mixes High & Low Tech
(SPONSORED) High tech meets low tech with this handy stand called the iPlunge, another Trend Hunter-approved item from the Wired store Buick 'Regal Remix' event on Decemember 8th. The iPlunge can be… MORE
Intergalactic Kitchen Tools
Intergalactic Kitchen Tools
Star Trek Pizza Cutter Beams Down at the Buick ‘Regal Remix'
(SPONSORED) At the New York Wired Store ‘Regal Remix’ event sponsored by Buick, Trend Hunter spotted some really innovative items, one of which was the Star Trek Pizza Cutter. It is boldly cutting pizza… MORE
Wristband Alarm Clocks
Wristband Alarm Clocks
The WakeMake Gets Attention at the Wire Store 'Regal Remix' Event
(SPONSORED) Wake up feeling refreshed every morning with the WakeMate wristband, an alarm system that works with your phone to help you reduce grogginess while waking up. Trend Hunter spotted this cool… MORE
Funky Retro Music Players
Funky Retro Music Players
The Spitfire MP3 Player a Hit at the Wired Store 'Regal Remix'
(SPONSORED) One of the Trend Hunter-approved items from the NYC Wired store 'Regal Remix' event sponsored by Buick, the Spitfire MP3 Player is a gadget that will bring you back to the days before the existence… MORE
Minimalist Exercycles
Minimalist Exercycles
Wired Store 'Regal Remix' Event Showcases the Sleek Ciclotte Bike
(SPONSORED) At the Wired store 'Regal Remix' event on December 8th sponsored by Buick, Trend Hunter spotted some fabulous goodies that we couldn't wait to share with you. First up is the Ciclotte bike,… MORE
Pop-Up Shop Concerts
Pop-Up Shop Concerts
Ra Ra Riot Busts Out the Beats at Wired Store's Buick ‘Regal Remix̵
(SPONSORED) Trend Hunter attended the Wired pop-up store's Buick ‘Regal Remix’ event on December 8th in New York City, which was sponsored by Buick. After testing out the slick new Buick Regal via the… MORE
Revived Ride Pop-Up Parties
Revived Ride Pop-Up Parties
Buick Regal Amazes All at Wired Store ‘Regal Remix' Event
(SPONSORED) On December 8th, Trend Hunter had the opportunity to visit the Wired pop-up store ‘Regal Remix’ event in New York City sponsored by Buick. There were so many cool gadgets and toys at the event… MORE
Mac Boot Camp
Mac Boot Camp
New Macs Boot Windows XP
Now you can boot XP on your MAC. Check it out: From More and more people are buying and loving Macs. To make this choice simply irresistible, Apple will include technology in the next major… MORE
Insane Party Locations
Insane Party Locations
Subway Shindigs Take Public Parties Underground
Subway parties have become a hip new phenomena. How do you launch a subway party? (1) Go on a media blitz promoting the party to as many friends as possible; (2) Get your costume and decorations; (3)… MORE
iPod Red is the New White
iPod Red is the New White
Apple is the latest company to jump on the RED charity campaign with RED iPods. "Late last week rumours surfaced that a red iPod is in the pipeline. This began following a post on Popbitch which claimed… MORE
Voodoo Coat Rack
Voodoo Coat Rack
"Take one look at this Voodoo Coat Rack and you?ll believe in black magic. Have fun moving the pins around to curse a new part of the doll! Made of wood painted with a voodoo doll motif, the Voodoo Coat… MORE
DJ Benzina: Moscow's Hot New Superstar
DJ Benzina: Moscow's Hot New Superstar
Travel to Moscow's top night clubs and you may find yourself listening to the tunes of Moscow's latest DJ sensation, DJ Benzina. "Born in Russia, Benzina started of as a school teacher. ( i don't remember… MORE