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Jen Layton

Advertising Account Manager
United Kingdom
Member Since
Feb 2009
Britsh based multitasker who can't decide if she wants to live in the country or settle in London. I currently work in mobile marketing, looking after the wap site and associated stuff for a large UK based supermarket mobile phone network.
Ultimately my dream is to work for myself of a free lance basis, across a multitude of areas, design, writing, trend hunting, marketing and advertising and strategic planning.

Currently learning about social media planning and search engine marketing, and plotting how to raise the money to do my Masters degree - all and any donations accepted!

Outside of work I illustrate and draw, love cooking and hanging out with my bunnies; Bramble and Thistle.
What is unique that's not in your bio?
I can write backwards, due to being left-handed. All left handed people can do this as their brain processes everything backwards to right handed people, they just don't realise it. A great party trick that has freaked out a few drunks in my time, as it's letter perfect and can write essays like this.
What's your favorite accomplishment?
I don't have any particular accomplishment, more the fact that I have been able to do as much on my life so far, and have developed into the person that I am. In the last couple of years, I have realised that there really isn't anything that I can't do given time and determination.
How do you define cool?
I can't, it's too broad a definition. I suppose checking out my trends gives you a better idea, but just because I report on something doesn't mean that I think it's cool.
What is your secret to uncovering trends?
Read a lot, absorb everything you experience, never lose your curiosity.
What do you enjoy most about Trend Hunter?
The chance to write and explore the cutting edge, plus exercise my creativity and writing skills and bounce ideas off like minded individuals.
What is your favorite trend?
So far, the Japanese Festival of Rope Bondage, the photography is so cool!!!!!
What are your tips for writing a juicy post?
See question 4
How do you reset to be creative?
Drawing, and incorporating illistrating into my work. My note books at work are covered in doodles and random pictures, and I have various drawing and painting projecxts on the go at any one time.
What inspires or excites you?
Nature, music, art, the new, my thesaurus, the internet, my boyfriend, too much to mention here...
Predict something awesome for 2020?
Nintendo will have it's own mobile phone and broadband network, like O2 and Vodafone do today.
Do-It-All Designers
Do-It-All Designers
Michael Manning is an Artistic Jack-of-All-Trades in Naughty
Ever wondered what goes on in the imagination of a bona-fide pervert? The work of Michael Manning gives you a fly on the wall view. Best known amongst kink communities around the world as the artist and… MORE
Cartoon Bunny Fever
Cartoon Bunny Fever
Korea Captivated by Mashimaro Madness
Originally conceived as a series of flash animations, the bizarre and often brutal Mashimaro is depicted as a fat white rabbit, so called because of its resemblance to a puffy white confectionery. Say… MORE
Crowdsourced Gardening
Crowdsourced Gardening
Landshare Lets Communities Grow Their Veggies Together
Riding the emerging trend in the UK for the redevelopment of local community ties and organic home grown food, the Landshare movement aims to cover all bases with a simple but effective concept; by putting… MORE
Naughty Anatomical Molds
Naughty Anatomical Molds
The April Flores Toy Show is an Exhibition of Casts
In June 2009, La Luz de Jesus gallery in Los Angeles hosted an exhibition in which the common thread between the pieces was the basic canvas for all the piece being a plastic molded vagina based upon the… MORE
Inflammatory Lost Footage
Inflammatory Lost Footage
Videos of Michael Jackson's Hair on Fire Surface After 25 Years
Previously unseen footage of a horrific accident that befell the late Michael Jackson in 1984 has been released in the last 24 hours. At the time, Michael was singing ‘Billie Jean’ in a simulated concert… MORE
Kin-Bonding Video Games
Kin-Bonding Video Games
Nintendo Brings Family Back Together With Wii-No-Ma
Looking to reverse the trend of fragmenting family life and leisure time spent alone, Nintendo has developed the concept of ‘Wii-no-ma’. In a nutshell, Wii-no-ma is a video broadcasting service designed… MORE
Ape-Man Exhibits
Ape-Man Exhibits
Paris Museum Announces Tarzan Display to Battle Stereotypes
The Paris Museum has announced a Tarzan exhibition for the summer. The Musée du Quai Branly is set to expose some of the more ludicrous misrepresentations of Africa in Western society through the unlikely… MORE
Track Mods for Street Bikes
Track Mods for Street Bikes
Ducati Moto GP Racing Project Brings Racing Tech to the Masses
Developed from the Ducati Moto GP Racing project, technological innovations conceived for the track are now available as standard on production vehicles. Totally integrated with the bike, with no switches… MORE
Yak Skiing
Yak Skiing
This Extreme Snow Sport is for Brave Souls Only
Dreamed up by Tibetian Peter Dorje as a feather to add into the cap of extreme sports enthusiasts who have done everything, the totally unique concept of yak skiing is available for the mad and the brave… MORE
Tied-Up Festivals
Tied-Up Festivals
London Hosts Celebration of Sensual Shibari Culture
Seeking to dispel the image of seedy, back-street bondage pornography, London’s first-ever ‘Festival of Japanese Bondage,’ or Shibari, seeks to celebrate this unique and personal practise in its many forms:… MORE
Cataloging Consumption
Cataloging Consumption
‘What Did You Buy Today?' Captures a Designer's Purchases
Have you ever taken the time to think about all the things you buy? Mississippi-based graphic designer and illustrator Kate Bingham-Burt has. In fact, she goes one step further and meticulously records… MORE
Secret Street Art Shows
Secret Street Art Shows
Banksy Exhibition in Bristol Brings it Back Home
Subversive and anonymous artist Banksy has mounted his largest exhibition to date. Better known for his outrageous, illegal graffiti that has turned up in countries around the world, the artist has never… MORE