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Ed White

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Mar 2008
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SUV-Sized Shoe Sculptures
SUV-Sized Shoe Sculptures
Adidas Originals Left-Right Project
Following the lead of Onitsuka Tiger, which last year created an intricately detailed shoe made, as their tagline asserts, in Japan, Adidas has created a pair of giant shoe sculptures designed by rival… MORE
Micro Music Venues
Micro Music Venues
The Black Cab Sessions
It’s a simple premise really – get a black cab, get an up and coming band/artist and a video camera, drive around while they play and then post the resulting footage online. Et voila: the Black Cab… MORE
Celebrity Social Networks
Celebrity Social Networks
Radiohead W.A.S.T.E.
As if we didn’t have proof enough of Radiohead’s forward thinking embrace of modern technology and marketing (see their Pay What You Want release of new album In Rainbows recently), the ever innovative… MORE
Micro-Media Outlets
Micro-Media Outlets
While mainstream channels and broadcasters everywhere scrabble to diversify and work out new revenue models in the face of plunging viewing numbers (MTV, that means you), some independent media outlets… MORE
Anti-Hype Asymmetrical Advertising
Anti-Hype Asymmetrical Advertising
Nomis Football Boots
In the world of multi-million dollar, celebrity-endorsed sports marketing (yes, that means you Nike and Adidas) performance is something that’s actually surprisingly overlooked in favour of glossy but… MORE
Brand Personalization
Brand Personalization
Customize Your Scion Speak's Logo
It's all you, you, you. Well for Scion anyway, which is launching Scion Speak, which allows the car brand's enthusiasts to personalize their vehicles yet further with custom-made modern age heraldic crests… MORE
Coke Zero UEFA 2008 Game
The hottest trend in ads right now is advergaming; basically building your brand in the gaming sphere. There’s the good the bad and the downright ugly in this field, but notable examples, including the… MORE
Marketing Milk
Marketing Milk
Got Milk? Goes for (White) Gold
Spare a thought for plain old milk. When you’re competing with the multi-squillion dollar budgets and cultural ‘cool’ clout of the razzle dazzle marketing of the likes of Coca-Cola and Pepsi, being… MORE
In-Camera Extravaganzas
In-Camera Extravaganzas
Alison Goldfrapp's Happiness
If there's one trend that's been sweeping promo and ad land over the last year or so it's in-camera extravaganzas, and no-one does them better than Colonel Blimp/Blink director Dougal Wilson, who's latest… MORE
Fake Stories Launch Real Products
Fake Stories Launch Real Products
Flying Penguins Launch BBC iPlayer
Ah, April Fool’s. The one day that your friends can legitimately bray with laughter as you scurry to the dictionary to verify their assertion that the word ‘gullible’ isn’t in there. A breathy… MORE