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Eric Gratacap

San Francisco
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Nov 2009
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Creative designs!
Tea Hangers
Tea Hangers
Soon Mo Kang Hangs Your Tea Shirts
This great idea by Soon Mo Kang will always keep your tea well organized by allowing you to hang your tea shirts up in a miniature closet. Each tea type is highlighted in a different color for ease of… MORE
Glowing Tea Bags
Glowing Tea Bags
Wonsik Chae Makes Light of Tea Time
These glowing tea bags light up your table in lieu of a candle.  The tricky part is that they have to be in contact with the water for it to give off its radiant glow.  These glowing tea bags sure… MORE
Sleek Fast Food Redesigns
Sleek Fast Food Redesigns
McDonald's Drive-In Restaurant in Maribor, Slovenia Gets Makeover
I don’t know about you but the last time I went into a McDonalds was ages ago, but then again they never looked like this.  Why do Americans get stuck with the classless, ugly orange tiled McDonalds when… MORE
Futuristic LP Players
Futuristic LP Players
The Portable LP Player Concept by Charlie Pyott
For all you hipsters out there who bust out your iPods, iPhones, Zunes or whatever the coolest thing du jour is at a party, imagine what would happen if you whipped this slick portable lp player out. The… MORE
Closer to Paper e-Books
Closer to Paper e-Books
Digital Library e-Book Simulates Print Books
All other e-book readers of the world offer a single screen to view your daily Dilbert but the Digital Library e-book gives you multiple touch screens making reading an e-book more like a real book. This… MORE
Wood Cased Macbooks
Wood Cased Macbooks
Computer Protection With Classic Sophistication
If you are interested in disguising your shiny modern white macbook in a classic wood casing then you won’t have to look far. This laptop case takes protection to a whole new level by giving a beautiful… MORE
Big Bendy E-Touchscreens
Big Bendy E-Touchscreens
If Size Matters, Try the Sprint Skiff Reader
Wouldn’t it be great if your Nook or Kindle were bigger and had a touchscreen like your iPhone? Well, The Skiff Reader will provide you with a big, bendy e-touchscreen to fulfill your newspaper or book… MORE
Eco Malls
Eco Malls
Studios Architecture Design Fulfills All Your Green Needs All in One Spot
This innovative eco mall designed by Studios Architecture aspires to quench your need for things green by putting only the most environmentally friendly products on display. It’s a one-stop shop to save… MORE
Partner Rocking Chairs
Partner Rocking Chairs
Rocking Can Be Social With this Double Rocking Chair
When I say 'rocking' I don’t mean jamming to your favorite tunes. By 'rocking' I mean rocking in a chair.  The great thing about this double rocking chair is that the experience of rocking can be social… MORE
Ultra Convenient Disposal
Ultra Convenient Disposal
The Trash Know is Practical and Beautiful, But Not Too Trashy
You would think that the trash can has reached its pinnacle of design and practicality. In fact, you could say that you “know trash,” but until you see these Trash Know bins, you don’t.  Not only are… MORE
Geek Gesture USBs
Geek Gesture USBs
Add Some Flair to Your Workplace With Personality USB Drives
Show to the world that you are truly a cool geek with these personality USB drives.  Not only are they not that expensive, but now you can have a USB drive that matches your creative personality. How cool… MORE
Playful Radiators
Playful Radiators
Having Heat Doesn't Have to Be Boring Anymore
You ever see those metal things hanging on the wall with horizontal bars on them that are trying so hard not to be seen? Well, these masterful designers come up with a playful radiator design that actually… MORE
Toast Printers
Toast Printers
The Toaster Printer Hybrid of Your Modern Dreams
If you were to take a printer and a toaster and breed them you would get a toaster printer.  These folks did just that to reinvent the ordinary toaster.  Imagine stacking all your sliced bread into the… MORE
Insect-Inspired Architecture
Insect-Inspired Architecture
The Taipei Cicada Pop Music Center Mixes Bold Forms with Pop Culture
The Taipei Cicada pop music center proposal of taking a nearly extinct sound producing insect in Taipei and roughly translating it into an architectural form to exhibit the Pop music culture of Taiwan… MORE