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 Keynote Speaker

Carolena Costa

Indie Jewelry Artist / Passion Coach
New York
Member Since
Dec 2009
This user has not completed their bio.
How do you define cool?
It makes your heart beat a little faster, you smile then you have to share it. Cool makes you feel something that moves you to action.
What is your secret to uncovering trends?
I surf too much. Curiousity, I see something and I want to find out more. Who made it? Is there anyone else out there doing that? What is the underline thing that makes it cool.
What do you enjoy most about Trend Hunter?
The same thing that frustrates me about trend hunter. I think oh that's cool and then I find it here.
What is your favorite trend?
With out a doubt, Indie handmade. It's bringing back imagination and quality to the things we own. It brings back luxury to everyday life.
Deathly Dinnerware
Deathly Dinnerware
Skulls and Crossbones on Plates and Cups
Artist Folded Pigs on Etsy has made dinner parties a little more interesting by putting skulls and crossbones on plates and cups. Folded Pigs's dinnerware is designed with an edge, and is more than a… MORE
Solid Stone Rings
Solid Stone Rings
Jewelry Inspired by Nature by Ernest Rowe
Lapidary artist Ernest Rowe is inspired by nature and uses its structural beauty as the canvas for his creations. Carved from one stone or a fusion of two, this creates unique rings with individual personality.… MORE
Lightning Walls
Lightning Walls
Bert Hickman can Trap Beautiful Lightning
Made by a 5 million volt particle accelerator, the scientific art of Bert Hickman seems like stuff of the future. Basically the a shock-wave caused the trapped electron charges in acrylic to rush out leaving… MORE
Gamer Boots
Gamer Boots
Dr. Martens Band Hero Boots are Based off the Game
In the world of punks and rockers, the boot of choice has always been Dr. Martens. Now Docs have started to change in a response to being called plain. Docs have expanded their line to designer boots.… MORE
Vintage Metallic Couture
Vintage Metallic Couture
Tiddleywink's Etsy Shop Has What's Hot in Old School Accessories
Glittery gold and silver screams “where is the party?!” Apparently the party is over at Tiddleywink's Etsy shop where vintage is queen and shop’s selection of metallic vintage is oh-so alluring. Retro… MORE
Darkly Sculpted Teapots
Darkly Sculpted Teapots
Richard Notkin Creates Social Commentary Tea Time
When I find myself lusting after teapots, it can only be satisfied by a unique collection, such as Richard Notkin’s creations. I mean, these are definitely teapots to start a conversation over. When… MORE
Meditative Art Installations
Meditative Art Installations
Ran Hwang's Amazing Button and Pin Art
When asked about the her button and pin art- Ran Hwang said, "This is a form of meditative practice that helps me find my inner peace." Ran Hwang created amazing button and pin art using the ordinary… MORE
Snuggie Pub Crawls
Snuggie Pub Crawls
Clearly, It Was Only a Matter of Time
With Snuggies for pets, hipsters and even a New York Fashion Week event, never once did I consider owning one--until I read about the Snuggie pub crawls that have been taking over metropolitan areas. The… MORE
License Plate Belts
License Plate Belts
Randi Tannenbaum Redefines Upcycled Street Style
Artist made urban fashion by Randi Tannenbaum means stylish license plate belts. Using recycled license plates and leather, the artist calls her work “urban graffiti”. It’s easy to see how street style… MORE