DriJo is the eBay of Car Pooling
Walter Demmelhuber — April 15, 2008 — Unique
References: drijo
DriJo.com is an auction-based website which offers ride-sharing and car-pooling making partial use of Google Maps technology.
In a visually attractive way, the Internet platform offers a simple method to overlay and compare routes of drivers and potential passengers. “Using an auction-based method similar to other popular auction sites should“, according to the CEO Walter, “animate more drivers to offer rides, especially on highly demanded routes.“
The website company notes that:
• Supply and demand of routes based on the starting and arrival address are overlaid and compared automatically and shown on maps or satellite pictures,
• Based on the GOOGLE Maps(TM) database practically all addresses, even remote ones in the country-side, can be found - similarly to navigation devices,
• The cost of ride sharing between driver and passenger is determined by supply and demand via an auction,
• A registration of all users gives additional security,
• Feedback after travelling by both driver and passenger increases the trustworthiness of both of them.
“Our matching also allows to compare longer routes with shorter requests“, according to the CTO Peter, “and the driver can even define an optional pick-up&drop-off zone along the route to be more attractive to potential passengers.“
In a visually attractive way, the Internet platform offers a simple method to overlay and compare routes of drivers and potential passengers. “Using an auction-based method similar to other popular auction sites should“, according to the CEO Walter, “animate more drivers to offer rides, especially on highly demanded routes.“
The website company notes that:
• Supply and demand of routes based on the starting and arrival address are overlaid and compared automatically and shown on maps or satellite pictures,
• Based on the GOOGLE Maps(TM) database practically all addresses, even remote ones in the country-side, can be found - similarly to navigation devices,
• The cost of ride sharing between driver and passenger is determined by supply and demand via an auction,
• A registration of all users gives additional security,
• Feedback after travelling by both driver and passenger increases the trustworthiness of both of them.
“Our matching also allows to compare longer routes with shorter requests“, according to the CTO Peter, “and the driver can even define an optional pick-up&drop-off zone along the route to be more attractive to potential passengers.“
Trend Themes
1. Auction-based Ride-sharing - The trend of implementing an auction-based model for ride-sharing which could lead to more drivers offering rides, especially on highly demanded routes.
2. Overlaying and Comparing Routes - A trend towards displaying and comparing routes of both drivers and potential passengers in a visually attractive way to enable an easy selection process.
3. Registration and Feedback - A trend of registration of all users to provide additional security and a feedback system for both drivers and passengers that increases trustworthiness of both parties.
Industry Implications
1. Transportation - An industry that can utilize the auction-based model for ride-sharing to increase the supply of drivers on highly demanded routes and improve overall efficiency.
2. Technology - An industry that can provide overlaying and comparing route technology to enhance the user experience and make ride-sharing platforms more appealing and user-friendly.
3. Security and Trust - An industry that can provide services related to registration and feedback to support the trend towards a more secure and trusted ride-sharing experience for both drivers and passengers.