The Passport and Reality Project Pokes Fun at Ridiculous Passport Pics
Olivia123 — June 2, 2011 — Pop Culture
References: & underconsideration
If you've exhausted all of your yearbooks for laughs, get your giggles from the hilarious Passport and Reality project.
This clever project involved the participation of volunteers who didn't mind making a fool out of themselves. These selfless subjects submitted their passport photos to the project. Organizers then captured a current photo of them and pasted it next to their 'port pic. This dramatic juxtaposition ensued hilarious results; often, the subjects' passport photos were severely dated. Their dated pictures look nothing like their current selves, and it's quite amusing to see how they have evolved. Let's just hope they don't use these passport pictures anymore, I highly doubt they'd make it off ground.
This Passport and Reality project is sure to get you chuckling.
This clever project involved the participation of volunteers who didn't mind making a fool out of themselves. These selfless subjects submitted their passport photos to the project. Organizers then captured a current photo of them and pasted it next to their 'port pic. This dramatic juxtaposition ensued hilarious results; often, the subjects' passport photos were severely dated. Their dated pictures look nothing like their current selves, and it's quite amusing to see how they have evolved. Let's just hope they don't use these passport pictures anymore, I highly doubt they'd make it off ground.
This Passport and Reality project is sure to get you chuckling.
Trend Themes
1. Humorous Passport Photography - Opportunity for disruptive innovation in the field of passport photography by offering personalized, creative, and funny options to customers.
2. Juxtaposition Photography - Disruptive innovation opportunity in the photography industry by exploring the concept of juxtaposing past and present images for humorous or meaningful results.
3. Evolution of Self-representation - Opportunity for disruptive innovation in the field of personal identity and self-representation through visual storytelling and the exploration of how individuals perceive themselves over time.
Industry Implications
1. Photography - Disruptive innovation opportunity in the photography industry by offering unique and creative services that go beyond traditional portraiture.
2. Personal Identity - Opportunity for disruptive innovation in the field of personal identity and self-expression through visual mediums, such as photography or other forms of visual storytelling.
3. Document Services - Disruptive innovation opportunity in the document services industry by transforming the traditional process of passport photography into a more engaging and personalized experience for customers.