Move Over Pirate Day, Here Comes 'Bitch Day'
References: fabulously40 & trendhunter
Forget about Talk Like A Pirate Day, there’s a much more interesting day coming up: the first ever Official Bitch Day on October 1st 2008. Governor Sarah Palin could surely use such a day after all the drama she’s had the past few weeks. Why? The objective of the special day is to bitch bitch bitch all you want. Just let all your stress and built-up anger out.
First off, let me start by saying that unlike Talk Like A Pirate Day, the organizers of the Official Bitch Day are pretty sexist. They are targeting women only, as if men do not need to bitch. You know, girlfriends can be just as annoying as boyfriends.
Participation in the Official Bitch Day is open to women of all ages and backgrounds. The organizers promise that you will “gain freedom and liberation, by bitching about everything and anything, in a safe, protected environment.”
First off, let me start by saying that unlike Talk Like A Pirate Day, the organizers of the Official Bitch Day are pretty sexist. They are targeting women only, as if men do not need to bitch. You know, girlfriends can be just as annoying as boyfriends.
Participation in the Official Bitch Day is open to women of all ages and backgrounds. The organizers promise that you will “gain freedom and liberation, by bitching about everything and anything, in a safe, protected environment.”
Trend Themes
1. Gender-centric Holidays - The emergence of Official Bitch Day and similar gender-centric holidays presents an opportunity for companies to market products and services specifically designed for women.
2. Venting as a Form of Therapy - As people become increasingly stressed and overwhelmed, there is potential for companies to create products and services that offer a safe and effective outlet for venting, such as the Official Bitch Day.
3. Political Satire Goes Viral - The popularity of Official Bitch Day and its relevance to the current political climate indicates a growing appetite for political satire and humor, creating opportunities for clothing, media, and event companies to cater to this market.
Industry Implications
1. Entertainment - The emergence of gender-centric holidays like Official Bitch Day presents entertainment companies with an opportunity to create shows, events, and media that cater specifically to women.
2. Retail - Companies in the retail industry can create products specifically for events like the Official Bitch Day, such as clothing and accessories with sassy slogans or empowering messages.
3. Mental Health and Wellness - The popularity of events like the Official Bitch Day indicate a need for safe and effective outlets for venting. Mental health and wellness companies can create programs or services that cater to this need.