Kingston Uses Piercings & Tattoos Sell Memory
mediterranean — July 10, 2008 — Tech
References: adsoftheworld
This campaign from Kingston, India tries to promote flash drives, SD cards, USB drives and computer memory through the notion that you need your own space. Rebel against the, 'don't wear a mini', 'don't get a tattoo', 'don't color your hair', 'don't pierce',.... etc with a space of your own.
I am not sure how this logic works, but somehow having that digital space will give you the freedom to do what you want. Party late, hang out with whoever you want, get a full body tattoo, and work those scissors on that diminishing skirt of yours.
The ads were created by Six Inches, Mumbai with creative directors Pravin Shah, Sanjay S, art directors Pravin Shah, Rutul Mistry, and a whole lot of copy by Sanjay S, and Umesh Mishra. Photography is by Abitabh Kame.
The prints are mostly lame, but I like the style of the 'adventure' print (third image). It could pass for a hip fashion ad.
I am not sure how this logic works, but somehow having that digital space will give you the freedom to do what you want. Party late, hang out with whoever you want, get a full body tattoo, and work those scissors on that diminishing skirt of yours.
The ads were created by Six Inches, Mumbai with creative directors Pravin Shah, Sanjay S, art directors Pravin Shah, Rutul Mistry, and a whole lot of copy by Sanjay S, and Umesh Mishra. Photography is by Abitabh Kame.
The prints are mostly lame, but I like the style of the 'adventure' print (third image). It could pass for a hip fashion ad.
Trend Themes
1. Personal Expression - Opportunity for brands to align with self-expression and rebellion as a means of promoting their products or services.
2. Digital Freedom - Increasing demand for digital storage as a means of creating personal space and freedom in the digital realm.
3. Alternative Advertising - Growing trend of unconventional and rebellious advertising techniques to capture audience attention and differentiate from competitors.
Industry Implications
1. Technology - Disruptive innovation opportunity for technology companies to develop products that cater to individual expression and digital freedom.
2. Fashion - Fashion industry can explore collaborations with technology brands to promote personal expression and rebellious styles.
3. Advertising and Marketing - Opportunity for advertising agencies to embrace alternative and unconventional approaches in campaigns to engage with target audiences.