These Band-Aid Graham Crackers are a Yummy But Gross Halloween Snack
Charlotte Joyce Kidd — October 14, 2015 — Lifestyle
References: katherinemariephotography & kidskubby
This especially gross Halloween treat looks just like real used Band-Aids, but tastes like a delicious treat.
The gross Halloween recipe is sinfully simple. All un-squeamish cooks have to do is break graham crackers into rectangular pieces and then spread a white icing square onto each one, replicating the gauze patch on a Band-Aid. To finish the gross Halloween dessert off, each Band-Aid cookie is topped with a dollop of raspberry or strawberry jelly, creating the effect of a small dot of blood.
Many gory Halloween desserts are so extreme that while they may be a bit cringe-worthy, it's obvious that they must be food in disguise, like massive brain-shaped cakes and denture sandwich cookies. This gross Halloween recipe, on the other hand, is simple and ordinary enough that it's likely to fool people at first glance -- making it as icky as it is tasty.
The gross Halloween recipe is sinfully simple. All un-squeamish cooks have to do is break graham crackers into rectangular pieces and then spread a white icing square onto each one, replicating the gauze patch on a Band-Aid. To finish the gross Halloween dessert off, each Band-Aid cookie is topped with a dollop of raspberry or strawberry jelly, creating the effect of a small dot of blood.
Many gory Halloween desserts are so extreme that while they may be a bit cringe-worthy, it's obvious that they must be food in disguise, like massive brain-shaped cakes and denture sandwich cookies. This gross Halloween recipe, on the other hand, is simple and ordinary enough that it's likely to fool people at first glance -- making it as icky as it is tasty.
Trend Themes
1. Halloween Dessert Trends - As Halloween approaches, there has been a rise in gory dessert recipes imitating everyday objects, like band-aids, making repulsive yet heavenly treats.
2. Disguised Food Innovations - Gross treats that look like something else are on the rise, offering an opportunity for food industries to create imaginative and unusual foods with added shock value.
3. Themed Desserts - Themed desserts have become popular, exemplified by this Halloween recipe that highlights the versatility of ingredients for a particular occasion, opening up innovative opportunities for themed recipes in various industries.
Industry Implications
1. Food Industry - By providing customers with a range of unusual and inventive desserts, the food industry has an excellent opportunity to surprise and delight customers with gross-looking treats that taste great.
2. Hospitality Industry - By providing customers with themed desserts for special occasions, the hospitality industry can revolutionize dessert service, adding value to the dining experience by creating specific and creative sweets to boost customer appeal.
3. Halloween Costume and Decoration Industry - Themed desserts, like this Band-Aid shaped Halloween treat, engages with the Halloween spirit opening opportunities for Halloween costume, decoration, and party supplies industries to collaborate with the food industry to offer customers a complete package of Halloween themed goods.