This Ad by Corona Reminds Audiences of the Blurry Effects of Alcohol
Simal Yilmaz — March 13, 2013 — Marketing
References: youtube & adsoftheworld
The 'Drink Responsibly' ad by Corona is created by the advertising agency JWT Spain. The advertising idea is a very unique one, where its creators edited the first minute and a half of the movie Django Unchained in a way that comes out completely blurry. The blur references the drunk vision and uncomfortable confusion that alcohol use can cause.
The frustration of the audience is obvious from everyone's facial expressions. As people gaze around looking for an explanation, the advertising ends with a written message that reads, “Drink Responsibly.”
The fact that this advertising agency picked Django Unchained is certainly a clever move for the amount of people it would subsequently reach, considering its massive box office sales.
The frustration of the audience is obvious from everyone's facial expressions. As people gaze around looking for an explanation, the advertising ends with a written message that reads, “Drink Responsibly.”
The fact that this advertising agency picked Django Unchained is certainly a clever move for the amount of people it would subsequently reach, considering its massive box office sales.
Trend Themes
1. Vision-blurring Advertising - Opportunity for brands to create unique and engaging ads that simulate the effects of alcohol.
2. Drink Responsibly Movement - Growing trend of promoting responsible alcohol consumption through innovative advertising strategies.
3. Interactive Film-based Advertising - Emerging trend of using popular films to create immersive advertising experiences.
Industry Implications
1. Alcohol Marketing - Opportunity for alcohol brands to leverage unique advertising techniques that highlight the consequences of excessive drinking.
2. Advertising & Media - Opportunity for advertising agencies to develop creative campaigns that provoke emotional responses and promote responsible behavior.
3. Film Promotion - Opportunity for film studios to collaborate with brands for innovative promotional tie-ins that resonate with audiences.