Pearl — June 2, 2008 — Art & Design
References: birkiland & design-milk
These fun hangers are by Icelandic designer, Ragnheidur Ingunn Agustsdottir and marketed through Birkiland. Cups are useful everyday objects, so why not use them in a totally different way? The cups themselves are wide enough to hang your coat or clothes on without them falling off. The cup handles are place in the upright position, presumably to help keep hanging clothes on. But if they had been the other way round, small hooks could be placed on the handles so you could hang up your keys!
Still a great conversation piece for your foyer if you have the kind of spare, clean style of decor much like that found in Iceland.
Still a great conversation piece for your foyer if you have the kind of spare, clean style of decor much like that found in Iceland.
Trend Themes
1. Upcycled Home Decor - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Explore new ways to repurpose everyday objects, such as coffee cups, into functional home decor items.
2. Creative Storage Solutions - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop innovative storage solutions by incorporating unexpected elements, like cup handles, for hanging clothes and accessories.
3. Conversational Design - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Design products that serve both functional and conversational purposes, fostering unique and interesting interactions with consumers.
Industry Implications
1. Home Decor - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Transform the home decor industry by offering unconventional and eco-friendly products for stylish living spaces.
2. Storage and Organization - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Disrupt the storage and organization industry by introducing unconventional and creative storage solutions.
3. Product Design - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Redefine product design by merging functionality with conversational and engaging elements.