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40 Surreal Collage Collections

From mpossible Maze Art to Obscure Mysticism

— December 7, 2011 — Art & Design
Diving into the surreal can be an arduous journey; however, these surreal collage collections allow you to view the abstract without having to bend your perception with hallucinogens.

What makes a great collage? Is it an abundance of pictures or is it the overall theme of the piece? These surreal collage collections epitomize skill and creativity while maintaining a level of abstraction that is up for interpretation. An altered portrait becomes even more difficult to understand when the artist delves into the world of surrealism. Creating a world of abstraction from concrete ideas and materials is no easy task.

In a mashup of talent, technique and tedious detail, these surreal collage collections seamlessly transition from reality into the subverted minds of the artists.
54-Foot Puzzle Collages
54-Foot Puzzle Collages
Gerhard Mayer Creates Epic Collages Using Jigsaw Puzzles
Color-Blocked Collages
Color-Blocked Collages
These Images by Leeay Aikawa are an Explosion of Art and Creativity
Surreal Vintage Collages
Surreal Vintage Collages
The Wallace Berman 'Speaking in Tongues' Exhibit is a Work of Art
Compelling Zodiac Illustrations
Compelling Zodiac Illustrations
Anthony Dart Captures God and Hitler in His Avant-Garde Collages
Mixed & Matched Collages
Mixed & Matched Collages
Filip Jankowski is the Star of 'Numbers' for the Ones 2 Watch
Electrifying Photo Collages
Electrifying Photo Collages
The Cassandra C. Jones Series Presents Bold Lightning
Wasted Art
Wasted Art
Chris Jordan Raises Awareness of Mass Consumption (UPDATE)
Collage Couture Creations
Collage Couture Creations
The Hui-Hui Spring 2010 Collection is a Mishmash of Prints & Styles
Candy-Colored Collages
Candy-Colored Collages
Peter Pazderksi Incorporates Pastel Hues Within His Art
Insanely Intricate Collages
Insanely Intricate Collages
Seiko Kato's Collages Demonstrate Great Patience and Skill
Impossible Maze Art
Impossible Maze Art
Ray Sohn Creates Mixed-Up Linear Masterpieces
Collaged Mysticism
Collaged Mysticism
The Luis Toledo Digital 2011 Series Captures a Universe of Death
Hollow-Eyed Collages
Hollow-Eyed Collages
Are Mokkelbost Proves Cut & Paste is an Awesome Art Form
Unconventional Romance Collages
Unconventional Romance Collages
The Marc Alain Hearts Series Creates Love Out of Everyday Objects
Instrumental Collages
Instrumental Collages
The Super-Surreal 'World Music' by Sylvia Stolan is Trippy
Creepy Complex Collages
Creepy Complex Collages
Artist Alex Chavez Creates Memorable and Freaky Art
Collaged Humanimal Hybrids
Collaged Humanimal Hybrids
Joram Roukes Oil Paints Magazine-Like Imagery Onto Canvas
Surreal Psychological Collages
Surreal Psychological Collages
Natasa Stanisic Fuses Various Inspirations for the Sake of Art
Cluttered Collage Illustrations
Cluttered Collage Illustrations
These Neil Hanvey Digital Drawings are Surreal
Surreal Story-Telling Collages
Surreal Story-Telling Collages
Artist Mark Boellaard Uses a Simple Approach to Art
Textured Supermodel Collages
Textured Supermodel Collages
Artist Ashkan Honarvar Redesigns Ideal Beauty
Trippy Surreal Collages
Trippy Surreal Collages
Lin Mei Creates Mixed Media Pieces That are Out of This World
Creepy Character Collages
Creepy Character Collages
Claudio Parentela Creates Unique and Complex Mixed-Media Works
Modern Art Collages
Modern Art Collages
Danny Rolph's Automatic Shoes Exhibit at Poppy Sebire Gallery
Surreal Collages
Surreal Collages
The Ever-Mutating Art of Gustavo Ortiz
Morbid Dismembered Collages
Morbid Dismembered Collages
Justin Mortimer Creates Some Disturbing Mashed Up Illustrations
Mind-Bending Collages
Mind-Bending Collages
Artist Chrissie Abbott Recreates the '60s
Space Age Psychedelic Art
Space Age Psychedelic Art
The Works of Leif Podhajsky Take You Down the Rabbit Hole
Vibrant Abstract Collages
Vibrant Abstract Collages
These Dustin Zormeir Prints are a Must-See
Organic Beach Portraits
Organic Beach Portraits
The Stoned Face
Creepy Cut & Paste Collages
Creepy Cut & Paste Collages
The Beuglies by Damien Blottiere Mutates Male Models
Anti-Photoshop Artworks
Anti-Photoshop Artworks
Marc Lüdgers' Photopicturen Blends Painting and Photography
Stripped City Collages
Stripped City Collages
Serge Mendzhiyskogo Creates Art from Photographs
Surreal Photographic Collages
Surreal Photographic Collages
Philipp Igumnov Creates Weird Retro Realities
Colorful Abstract Collages
Colorful Abstract Collages
The Beautiful Cut-and-Paste Art of Michelle Thompson
Pasty-Faced Pop Collages
Pasty-Faced Pop Collages
Juergen Grewe Mashes Iconic Imagery Into New and Original Paintings
Trippy Anatomical Collages
Trippy Anatomical Collages
The 'Make Something Cool Everyday' by Artist Mark Weaver
Superimposed Celebs Collages
Superimposed Celebs Collages
Lola Dupre Cuts and Pastes to Create Fascinating Portraits
Hipster-Couture Collages
Hipster-Couture Collages
Berto Martinez's Fashion Illustrations Have Vibrant Vintage Style
Trippy Digital Collages
Trippy Digital Collages
Mathis Rekowski Mashes Together Vibrant Visual Wonders