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34 Examples of Health Food Packaging

From Portable Superfood Snacks to Cavemen Diet Branding

— December 5, 2014 — Marketing
Relaying to customers just how good a certain food item is for well-being often starts with branding; this collection of health food packaging shows how that can be done in as effective a way as possible. Often relying on minimalist aesthetics that focus on bright colors and healthy ingredients, health food packaging tends to leave a strong impression of 'freshness.'

Although health food packaging ranges greatly in terms of the items involved, these are characteristics that many of them tend to share. From granola bars to frozen meals and breakfast cereals, there is also a focus on quality images of the foods involved in order to show just how appetizing such healthy options can really be.
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Hemp Granola Cereals
Hemp Granola Cereals
Nature's Path Creates an Organic Breakfast Full of Protein and Fiber
Versatile Superfood Seeds
Versatile Superfood Seeds
Manitoba Harvest's Hemp Hearts Are Packed with Protein, Omegas & Fiber
Yogurt Protein Bars
Yogurt Protein Bars
These Powerful Yogurt Bars Are Loaded with Health Benefits
Enriched Hemp Powders
Enriched Hemp Powders
Nutiva's Organic Hemp Protein is Fortified with Fiber
Pure Vegan Mayonnaise
Pure Vegan Mayonnaise
Hampton Creek's 'Just Mayo' Does Away with the Eggs
Crispy Kale Chips
Crispy Kale Chips
Rhythm Superfoods' Kale Chips Are Delicious and Nutritious
Hemp Tortilla Chips
Hemp Tortilla Chips
These Chips are Delicious and Nutritious
Fruity Gluten-Free Snacks
Fruity Gluten-Free Snacks
Enduro Bites is an All-Natural Energy Food for Health Nuts
All-Natural Hemp Bars
All-Natural Hemp Bars
Ruth's Hemp Bars are Packed With Proteins and Essential Fatty Acids
Health-Boosted Iconic Cereals
Health-Boosted Iconic Cereals
Kellogg’s Fibrelicious Muesli is Catering to Consumers’ Well-Being
Mega Meat-Infused Protein Bars
Mega Meat-Infused Protein Bars
These Epic Bars are Going All Meat and Ditching the Whey
Savory Snack Bars (UPDATE)
Savory Snack Bars (UPDATE)
STRONG & KIND Protein Bars Are Delightfully Savory Snacks
Rugged Land Packaging
Rugged Land Packaging
Okanogan Wilderness Food is Reimagined by Mark Johnson
Heart-Healthy Food Branding
Heart-Healthy Food Branding
Step One Foods' Packaging Emphasizes Good Heart Health
Superfood-Infused Chocolates
Superfood-Infused Chocolates
WiseOne Superfoods' Healthy Raw Chocolates Boast Health Benefits
Cavemen Diet Branding
Cavemen Diet Branding
The Primal Kitchen Turns to Ancient Times for Inspiration
Wholesome Granola Packaging
Wholesome Granola Packaging
Early Bird's Healthy Bags of Granola Branding Feel Fresh and Homemade
Fresh Produce Packaging
Fresh Produce Packaging
The Whole Foods Packaging for Brooklyn Has Local and Regional Appeal
Scandinavian Rye Chips
Scandinavian Rye Chips
The Nordic Bakery Introduces a Healthy Snacking Option
Protein-Packed Bean Chips
Protein-Packed Bean Chips
Beanitos' Flavored Chips Have a Base of Beans Rather Than Potatoes
Bold Wordy Branding
Bold Wordy Branding
Goodbody Packaging is Dominated by Appealing Encouraging Text
Homemade Healthy Snacks
Homemade Healthy Snacks
Soma Bites Boasts Sophisticated Packaging Targeting Organic Eaters
Wholesome Rice Paper Packaging
Wholesome Rice Paper Packaging
Kim Soonhee's Rice Paper Branding is Simple & Evocative of Nature
Educational Jam Boxes
Educational Jam Boxes
Kissan's Jam Packed Fun Moments Contains a Healthy Snack and an Activity
Fashionable Snack Packaging
Fashionable Snack Packaging
Emily Fruit Crisps Pouches Feature High-Fashion Fruit Prints
Life-Saving Granola Bars
Life-Saving Granola Bars
This Snack Bar Packaging States Its Bold Mission to Save Lives
Celebratory Snack Packaging
Celebratory Snack Packaging
The Sweet Harvest's Packaging Looks Like a Candy Wrapper or Nutcracker
Wholesome Rice Packaging
Wholesome Rice Packaging
Sunrice's Rice Packaging Design Highlights the Benefits of Healthy Eating
Versatile Health Food Packaging
Versatile Health Food Packaging
Containers for Plus Kitchen Foods Make Eating Healthy a Snap
Naturally Harvested Ocean Chips
Naturally Harvested Ocean Chips
These Seaweed Chips Swim Against the Tide of Traditional Snacks
Informative Food Packaging
Informative Food Packaging
The Empanada Kitchen Food Box Packaging is Explanatory
Doodled Food Branding
Doodled Food Branding
Just for Kids Packaging Serves Up a Playful Image for an Enjoyable Supper
Organic Superfood Branding
Organic Superfood Branding
Essential Living Foods' Healthy Food Packaging Highlights Nature's Best