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28 Quirky Gadget Gifts for Men

From Humorous USB Flashdrives to Nerdy Smartphone Accessories

— December 6, 2013 — Special
With new technology advancing every year, there are many gadgets gifts for men that are ideal this holiday season. These are some great quirky gadget gift ideas for men that want a little humor or character with their devices. There are many accessories for a wide range of devices. These products are usually very practical and versatile for the home or office environment.

Others are just used for decor to enhance a product's aesthetic appearance. These quirky gadgets can be USB flash drives, alarm clocks, smartphone controllers or chargers to fit every tech enthusiasts needs. If you're looking for the latest gadgets this holiday season, these interesting products would make excellent gift ideas for those avid tech users that want something different.
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Sun-Fueled Tablet Covers
Sun-Fueled Tablet Covers
This Solar Charging Case Provides Protection and Power for the iPad
Blooming Flash Drives
Blooming Flash Drives
Charge Your Gadgets in a Pretty Way with the Flower USB Hub
Universal Remote Controls
Universal Remote Controls
The FLPR Universal Remote has Over 80,000 Preprogrammed Codes
Charismatic Cartoon Gadget Covers
Charismatic Cartoon Gadget Covers
The Adventure Time iPad Cover is Perfect for Cartoon Lovers
Artisan Sketch Tablets
Artisan Sketch Tablets
The Wacom Drawing Tablet and Intuos Pen Lets You Sketch Digitally
Gaming-Inspired Smartphone Controllers
Gaming-Inspired Smartphone Controllers
The MOGA iOS Controller Makes Best Mobile Gaming Experience
GPS-Enhanced Ski Gloves
GPS-Enhanced Ski Gloves
These Ski Gloves Measures Your Velocity and Displays Your Location
Revamped Keypad Calculators
Revamped Keypad Calculators
The Bluetooh Numeric Keypad Connects Wireless to Your Computer
Gilded Storage Gadgets
Gilded Storage Gadgets
These Solid Gold USB Keys by Daisung Kim are True Opulence
Sidestepping Outlet Extensions
Sidestepping Outlet Extensions
The Contort Power Accommodates Three Chargers and Another Beside It
Tech-Inspired Cufflinks
Tech-Inspired Cufflinks
These WiFi and 2GB USB Cufflinks are Elegant and Practical
Impressively Immersive TVs
Impressively Immersive TVs
The LG 100 Inch Laser TV Combines a Projector with a Large Display
Computer-Inspired Bracelets
Computer-Inspired Bracelets
This USB Bracelet Lets You Carry Around All Important Information
Shockproof Gadget Accessories
Shockproof Gadget Accessories
This Protective iPad Case is Shockproof and Durable
Sun-Powered Floral Chargers
Sun-Powered Floral Chargers
The Solar Sunflower Soaks up Some Rays
Solar-Powered Gadget Chargers
Solar-Powered Gadget Chargers
The Solio 'Bolt' Uses Solar Power to Charge Your Devices
Amplifier-Inspired Speakers
Amplifier-Inspired Speakers
This Marshall Stanmore Speaker Will Make You a Rockstar
Waterproof Music-Playing Devices
Waterproof Music-Playing Devices
Enjoy Your Music Everywhere with This Waterproof Speaker
Solar-Powered Phone Chargers
Solar-Powered Phone Chargers
The Lava Solar Charger can Charge Your Phone in Eight Hours
Retro Bathroom Radios
Retro Bathroom Radios
The Lexon Mezzo Transistor Has a Vintage Looks with Modern Practicality
Smartphone-Inspired Timepieces
Smartphone-Inspired Timepieces
the iPhone Wall Clock is Ideal for the Tech-Savvy Individuals
Porky USB Hubs
Porky USB Hubs
The Pig Chum by OfficeChums Stores Information Adorably
Landline Smartphone Cradles
Landline Smartphone Cradles
The BT Phone Dock for iPhone Transforms the Device into a Home Phone
Portable iPad Docking Mixers
Portable iPad Docking Mixers
The 'Mackie' iPad Controlled Mixer Lets You Mix on the Go
Adhesive Solar Phone Chargers
Adhesive Solar Phone Chargers
The Solar Window Charger Uses the Sun's Rays to Juice up Your Phone
Mess-Free Magnetic USBs
Mess-Free Magnetic USBs
This Magnetic USB Cable Stays Tangle-Free at All Times
Aromatic Electronic Incense
Aromatic Electronic Incense
This Electric Aroma Diffuser Leaves Zero Ash
Digit-Shaped LED Clocks
Digit-Shaped LED Clocks
This Minimalist Digital Clock Has Alarm, Date and Time Features
Hidden Gun Safe Couches
Hidden Gun Safe Couches
This Couch Safe Will Keep You and Your Property Protected
Gadget-Charging Compartmental Desks
Gadget-Charging Compartmental Desks
This Perfectly Organized Work Station is for the Tech-Savvy