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100 DIY Home Projects

From Homemade House Forts to Vintage Suitcase Shelving

— March 10, 2013 — Eco
For the handyman or handywoman who likes to fix things up, revamp old materials and create cool things around the house, DIY home projects are the best for keeping busy on a rainy day.

There are some people who will see a broken piece of furniture and decide that it's time to throw it out and get a brand new one. Others will realize the potential of broken things and see ways to fix and improve that item or use parts of it to create something different and more exciting. At-home DIY projects are an Eco-friendly way to save money and get creative with materials that are already lying around.

With lots of creative ingenue, DIY home projects let people customize their environment on their own terms.
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DIY Building Block Firestarters
DIY Building Block Firestarters
This Homemade LEGO Robot Can Autonomously Light Candles
Artistic DIY Pet Caskets
Artistic DIY Pet Caskets
Ease the Pain and Bury a Critter Respectfully with the Bye Bye Pet Kit
Heart-Displaying Dream Webs
Heart-Displaying Dream Webs
The DIY Valentine Dream Catcher is Romantic and Easy to Make
Citycentric-Themed Parties
Citycentric-Themed Parties
Jordan Ferney of Oh Happy Day Does a DIY City Themed Party
DIY Tree Branch Seating
DIY Tree Branch Seating
The Trash to Treasure Statement Chair Tutorial is Incredibly Creative
DIY Bullet Christmas Lights
DIY Bullet Christmas Lights
Shotgun Christmas Lights Get Any Gun Owner into the Christmas Spirit
DIY Erasable Storage Labeling
DIY Erasable Storage Labeling
The A Beautiful Mess Chalkboard Paper Project is Handy
DIY Sci-Fi Snow Toys
DIY Sci-Fi Snow Toys
The Star Wars Snowspeeder Sled Lets You Recreate the Battle for Hoth
Minimalistic Wooden Garlands
Minimalistic Wooden Garlands
This DIY Christmas Garland is Simple and Festive
DIY Building Block Clocks
DIY Building Block Clocks
The Time Twister 2 is the Grandfather Clock for the 21st Century
Stylish Font Decorations
Stylish Font Decorations
These Heveltica Stockings are Adorably Modern and Festive
DIY Magazine Hangers
DIY Magazine Hangers
The 'Ohhh Mhhh...' Blog Shows How to Creatively Display Reading Materials
Psych Test Tablecloths
Psych Test Tablecloths
Rorschach Ink Blot Placemats Bring Aesthetic Personality to the Table
DIY Vintage Literature Planters
DIY Vintage Literature Planters
The ‘Miniature Rhino’ Flower Pots Serve as a Chic Alte
Prehistoric Dinosaur Lighting
Prehistoric Dinosaur Lighting
The T-Rex Dinosaur Lamp Beautifully Illuminates Your Room
Custom Chromatic Bouquets
Custom Chromatic Bouquets
These DIY Rainbow Flowers Are Colorfully Beautiful and Simple to Make
Ghostly Luminescent Bottles
Ghostly Luminescent Bottles
These Spooky Ghost Lamps are Made from Wine Bottles and String Lights
Vintage Wrap Wall Art
Vintage Wrap Wall Art
The 'You Sentimental Idiot' DIY Scarf Display Turns Scarves into Decor
Vintage Photo Window Treatments
Vintage Photo Window Treatments
These Photo Curtains Are Made Entirely of 35mm Picture Slides
DIY Holiday Home Wreaths
DIY Holiday Home Wreaths
The Brit + Co. Ornament Garland is Adorably Creative
Personalized Dish Decor
Personalized Dish Decor
This DIY Dish Designing Activity is Fun and Child-Friendly
All-In-One Printing Kits
All-In-One Printing Kits
These DIY Print Shop Kits are Practical and Easy-to-Use
Self-Stitched Light Fixtures
Self-Stitched Light Fixtures
The Koolah Lamps Combine Careful Crafting and DIY Assembly
Eccentric Ski Equipment Lighting
Eccentric Ski Equipment Lighting
The Willem Heeffer Ski Chandelier Up-cycles Old Gear
Peculiar Pegboard Adornments
Peculiar Pegboard Adornments
This DIY Pegboard Artwork is Great For Switching Things Up Regularly
DIY User-Captured Decals (Update)
DIY User-Captured Decals (Update)
Eazywallz Creates DIY Murals Out of Your Own Photographs
DIY Mountainous Rock Walls
DIY Mountainous Rock Walls
The Fitz Roy Climbing Wall Replicates the Famous Peak
Neon DIY Planters
Neon DIY Planters
The Brick House's Pottery Tutorial is Fluorescent
Retro Computer Peripherals
Retro Computer Peripherals
The NES Controller Mouse Resembles a Classic Gamer Accessory
Clementine Crate Cupboards
Clementine Crate Cupboards
Use Recycled Produce Boxes for a Creative DIY Wall Shelf
Handmade Children's Decor
Handmade Children's Decor
The Kids' Room DIY Idea: Flashcard Shelves is Easy to Produce
DIY Chalkboard Table Topper
DIY Chalkboard Table Topper
Jackie Fogartie's Chalkboard Tablecloth Adds Dialogue to Any Dinner
DIY Bark Candle Holders
DIY Bark Candle Holders
The 'Two Shades of Pink' Twig Votive is an Affordable Gift Idea
DIY Dried Fruit Decorations
DIY Dried Fruit Decorations
The 'Annie's Eats' Pineapple Dessert Flowers are Surreal
DIY Found Object Decor
DIY Found Object Decor
Smart Deco Infuses Personal Style with Eco-Consciousness
MacGyver Furniture Kits
MacGyver Furniture Kits
Loose Joints by Joscha Weiand Brings DIY Projects to Another Level
DIY Icicle Lights
DIY Icicle Lights
The DIY Colored Ice Ornaments from the Design Mom Blog are Super Fun
DIY Luminous Mushroom Kits
DIY Luminous Mushroom Kits
These Glow-in-the-Dark Mushrooms Can Be Grown at Home
Furry DIY Foot Stools
Furry DIY Foot Stools
The Brick House's 'Bench Remix' Updates Standard Furniture
DIY Sci-Fi Drink Coolers
DIY Sci-Fi Drink Coolers
The R2D2 Beverage Dispenser Quenches Your Star Wars Thirst
DIY Customized Pillow Designs
DIY Customized Pillow Designs
The Brit & Co. Colored Cushion Project is Easy to Do
Vintage Suitcase Shelving
Vintage Suitcase Shelving
This Kitschy DIY is Perfect for the Old School-Loving Designer
Measuring Stick Lighting
Measuring Stick Lighting
The Upcycled Ruler Lamp is a Smart DIY Project
DIY Rainbow Tree Wraps
DIY Rainbow Tree Wraps
The Felt Ball Garland Wraps Around Your Christmas Tree and Adds Beauty
Accessory-Bearing Branches
Accessory-Bearing Branches
The 'a pair and a spare' DIY Jewelry Tree Will Keep Chains Tangle-Free
DIY Repurposed Toy Planters
DIY Repurposed Toy Planters
The 'Thrillz of Hillz' Dinosaur Pots are Eye-Catching and Quirky
Eco-Friendly Aquarium Gifts
Eco-Friendly Aquarium Gifts
This Green Gift Idea Will Make a Splash
DIY Child Craft Studios
DIY Child Craft Studios
This DIY Project Organizes Arts and Crafts Time for Under $50
Snappy Jewelry Containers
Snappy Jewelry Containers
Store Accessories Stylishly with the DIY Clothespin Bracelet Holder
Handmade Ombre Stools
Handmade Ombre Stools
These Stools from Karlsson and Bjork Are Easy to Make
DIY Amusement Eggs
DIY Amusement Eggs
PlayHive Can Be Easily Built by Parents for an Un-bee-lievably Fun Playground
DIY Literary Liquor Cabinets
DIY Literary Liquor Cabinets
Easily Transform a Library Card Catalogue into a Kitschy At-Home Bar
Upcycled Picture Frame Decor
Upcycled Picture Frame Decor
This DIY Activity Transforms Old Picture Frames Into Imaginative Art
DIY Zen Gardens
DIY Zen Gardens
The Cardboard Bonsai Tree Helps You Stay Calm and Focused
Cardboard Cut-Out Furniture
Cardboard Cut-Out Furniture
DIY Living Uses Its Packing Boxes to Create Bonus Furniture
Contemporary DIY Consoles
Contemporary DIY Consoles
The Young House Love Guide is Ideal for Small Spaces
Transparent Handmade Planters
Transparent Handmade Planters
The Brick House 'DIY Terrarium' is Customizable
Animal Lampshade Kits
Animal Lampshade Kits
These DIY Paper Lanterns Feature Cool Illuminated Critters
Diy Room Expansions
Diy Room Expansions
The Fab TV Decor Video Enlargens Small Spaces
Steampunk Tree Trunk Seating
Steampunk Tree Trunk Seating
This DIY Tree Trunk Furniture is Easy to Make
Homemade House Forts
Homemade House Forts
The 'A Beautiful Mess' DIY Teepee Will Make You Wish You Were a Kid Again
Reycled Taxidermy Lighting
Reycled Taxidermy Lighting
Philou Le Caribou Uses Cardboard as a Means to Illuminate Rooms
Book-Built House Decor
Book-Built House Decor
Artist Frank Halmans Turns Literary Classics into Houses with Windows
Repurposed Cot Projects
Repurposed Cot Projects
The DIY Crib Desk Turns One Piece of Children's Furniture into Another
DIY Post-Apocalypse Kits
DIY Post-Apocalypse Kits
This Graph Teaches People How to Make Homemade Survival Kits
DIY Cork Coasters
DIY Cork Coasters
Make Some Affordable Home Decor Items Using This Apartment Therapy Tutorial
Romantic Floral DIY Lighting
Romantic Floral DIY Lighting
These Rosebud Fairy Lights Are Charming and Easy to Make at Home
DIY Tie-Dyed Ornaments
DIY Tie-Dyed Ornaments
The Brit + Co. Stained Glass Holiday Hack is an Inexpensive Personalization
DIY Desk Renovations
DIY Desk Renovations
The 'Credenza Makeover' Updates Standard Side Tables
Pet Luggage Loungers
Pet Luggage Loungers
Let Your Cat Snooze in Style with the DIY Cat Suitcase Bed
DIY Specs Hangers
DIY Specs Hangers
Cupcakes and Cashmere's 'Sunglass Solution' Post is Economical
Upcycled Clothing Cushions
Upcycled Clothing Cushions
The DIY Sweater Pillow Makes Use of Your Old Clothes
DIY Strung Carton Lighting
DIY Strung Carton Lighting
Add a Romantic Glow to the Room with DIY Egg Carton Decor
DIY Lace Lighting
DIY Lace Lighting
These Metallic Lights are Easily Made Using a Doily
DIY Eco Chandeliers
DIY Eco Chandeliers
The Oh Happy Day Water Bottle Chandelier is Affordable and Cute
DIY Porcelain Jewelry Stands
DIY Porcelain Jewelry Stands
This 'a pair and spare' DIY Craft Will Display Your Trinkets
DIY Personalized Flower Vases
DIY Personalized Flower Vases
The Brit & Co. Beer Bottle Project is a Great Way to Recycle
DIY Mini Residences
DIY Mini Residences
Live Affordably Without Waste in the World’s Smallest House
DIY Blackboard Furniture
DIY Blackboard Furniture
The Chalkboard Coffee Table by Jill of Most Trades is Fit for Children
DIY Ecosystem Furniture
DIY Ecosystem Furniture
Daniel Zeller Goes Green with an Illuminated Terrarium Desk
Upcycled Car Scrap Benches
Upcycled Car Scrap Benches
The Tailgate Bench Utilizes Iconic Automobile Parts
DIY Feather Wall Decor
DIY Feather Wall Decor
This DIY Feather Wall Adds Some Flair to Your Home
Frosted Holiday Mason Jars
Frosted Holiday Mason Jars
Make Your Season Bright with These DIY Christmas Decorations
DIY LEGO Key Hangers
DIY LEGO Key Hangers
Felix Grauer Creates a Playful Project for the Home
DIY Foam-Fitting Wall Decor
DIY Foam-Fitting Wall Decor
This DIY Foam Building Block Wall Art is Artistically Simple
DIY Tree Shelves
DIY Tree Shelves
The Branch Shelf is Easy-to-Make and Eco-Friendly
Hidden Router Tutorials
Hidden Router Tutorials
The Anamu Book Cover DIY is Simply Brilliant
DIY Lighting Renovations
DIY Lighting Renovations
The ‘How to Make Any Lamp Cordless’ Guide is Practical
Handlebar Bike Racks
Handlebar Bike Racks
This DIY Wall Bike Hanger Makes Use of Old Two-Wheeler Parts
Reclaimed Wood Post Seaters
Reclaimed Wood Post Seaters
The Brick House's 'Fence Bench' is Made of Old Lumber
DIY Cardboard Christmas Trees
DIY Cardboard Christmas Trees
Make a Fast and Festive Holiday Decoration With Some Simple Supplies
DIY Jumbo Lollipop Decorations
DIY Jumbo Lollipop Decorations
The 'Trendy Tree' Blog Shows How to Make Affordable Party Accents
DIY Minimalist Wooden Computer
DIY Minimalist Wooden Computer
This Powerful Processor is Tech-Savvy and Stylish
Novel-Covered Bedroom Decor
Novel-Covered Bedroom Decor
Create a Reader's Dream Room with the DIY Book Headboard
DIY Computer Docks
DIY Computer Docks
The Pizza Box Laptop Stand by Ilya Andreev is Fast Food for Technology
DIY Globe Chandeliers
DIY Globe Chandeliers
The Inspireramera Pilates Ball Lamp Tutorial is Cleverly Cute
Ombre-Shaded Chandeliers
Ombre-Shaded Chandeliers
This Hey Gorgeous DIY Project Will Add Subtle Color to Your Abode
DIY Glass Chandeliers
DIY Glass Chandeliers
The Bubble Chandelier by Mint Love Social Club Offers Unique Lighting
Customizable Desk Revamps
Customizable Desk Revamps
The Brick House 'DIY Neon Table' is Made by Hand