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40 Creepy Marketing Techniques

From Event-Promoting Horror Videos to Blood-Sucking Smoking Ads

— June 27, 2013 — Marketing
Horror movies have always been a popular go-to option for individuals looking to be frightened or scared, and these creepy marketing techniques are utilizing some of those shocking and disturbing elements as a way to draw in and attract consumers.

With the amount of print ads and commercials continually bombarding viewers every single day, it takes something truly unique and eye-catching to make people remember a certain product or theme. What better way to catch someone's attention than by showcasing a horrifying image or frighteningly scary horror character? From horrifying cereal commercials to frightening food safety ads, these creepy marketing techniques are utilizing scare tactics as way to make an impression on viewers.

Whether you enjoy horror movies or not, there's no doubt that these creepy marketing techniques will surely leave a bold and shocking impression on anyone who sees it.
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Event-Promoting Horror Videos
Event-Promoting Horror Videos
Portfolio Night Could be as Scary as the Terrifying Promo Vid
Informed Cyclops Ads
Informed Cyclops Ads
The News Briefly Campaign Shows 'One Glance is Enough'
Horrifying Cereal Commercials
Horrifying Cereal Commercials
The 'Cornflakes Advert' Video Will Make Your Blood Curdle
Horrific Porcelain Ads
Horrific Porcelain Ads
The Profondo Rosso Campaign is Shockingly Gory
Frightening Facial Hair Ads
Frightening Facial Hair Ads
The Newest Movember Ad Features David and his Creepy Mustache
Head-Turning Car Ads
Head-Turning Car Ads
The Volkswagen Passat Campaign Promotes the Car's "Rear View Parking Camera"
Creepy Faceless Ads
Creepy Faceless Ads
The Young Lions Brazil 2013 Campaign Features Scrunched Up Expressions
Devilish Vacuum Commercials
Devilish Vacuum Commercials
The Dirt Devil Exorcist Ad is Freakishly Funny
Insect Love Advertising
Insect Love Advertising
The Futureo Credit Card Campaign Unites Savers and Spenders
Frightened Profile Update Ads
Frightened Profile Update Ads
The SOS Violence Conjugale Campaign Sheds Awareness on Spousal Abuse
Excited Eyeball Ads
Excited Eyeball Ads
The Hotwheels Elite Collection Campaign Will 'Make Daddy Jealous'
Double-Eyed Cat Campaigns
Double-Eyed Cat Campaigns
The Pet Show Pet Food Ads by Hermandad are Dizzying
Barbaric Furniture Ads
Barbaric Furniture Ads
The Connect Furniture Print Ads Show People Why They Need Furniture
Monstrous Calling Campaigns
Monstrous Calling Campaigns
The Vodacom 2011 Ads Shows Free Calls After Midnight
Blood-Sucking Smoking Ads
Blood-Sucking Smoking Ads
The 'Mask' Campaign Discourage Smoking Through Dracula-Like Smokes
Sexual Predator Ads
Sexual Predator Ads
The Baby Can Wait Campaign Teaches Girls About Healthy Relationships
Possessed Shoes & Earphones
Possessed Shoes & Earphones 'Things Get Closer' Campaign
Uncomfortably Creepy Commercials
Uncomfortably Creepy Commercials
Snickers Gets Eerie for Halloween Campaign
Frightening Illness Ads
Frightening Illness Ads
'The Bear' HIV Prevention Commercial Shows the Masked Qualities of HIV
Spiderwoman Sock Ads
Spiderwoman Sock Ads
Vog Socks Debut on the Web with Beautiful Arachnids
Creepy Skinvertising
Creepy Skinvertising
Harnn Massage Balm Ads Get Under Your Skin
Blindfolded Victim Ads
Blindfolded Victim Ads
The Instituto Crianca Nosso Futuro Campaign Focuses on False Promises
Chain Reaction Infection Ads
Chain Reaction Infection Ads
Dettol Hand Sanitizer Hammers Home the Need to Clean Your Hands
Indigestion Painvertising
Indigestion Painvertising
GastroMilk Ads Show Animals Trying to Escape From Stomachs
Frightening Food Safety Ads
Frightening Food Safety Ads
Parents and Kids Should watch Out for the Scorpion in the Burger
Creepy Double-Faced Ads
Creepy Double-Faced Ads
The Berlitz Language Center Campaign Promotes Flawless Foreign Speaking
Kia Soul Ad Campaign Gives Mobsters a Sneak Peek Inside
Scary Listening Promos
Scary Listening Promos
BBC Radio Science Fiction Ad Scares You Into Listening
Hygienic Shockvertising II
Hygienic Shockvertising II
Carre Fresh: Wipe Whatever You've Touched
Pregnant Promotions
Pregnant Promotions
The INDT Campaign is Swollen With Hilarity
Burger King's ‘Open Late' Campaign Caters to Scary Villains
Interactive Anti-Blemish Ads
Interactive Anti-Blemish Ads
Peel-Off Zits & Cellulite You Can Pop
Uncovering Alcoholism
Uncovering Alcoholism
These PSA Ads Reveal The Ugly Reality
Cannibalistic Caffeine Campaigns
Cannibalistic Caffeine Campaigns
These Cafe Taina Coffee Ads Keep You Alert
Creepy Double-Take Campaigns
Creepy Double-Take Campaigns
The Dominika Naziebty Spring/Summer 2012 Lookbook is Conceptual
Freaky Marionette Fashion Ads
Freaky Marionette Fashion Ads
The Versace for H&M Video is Weird but Fascinating
Monster-Full Fashion Ads
Monster-Full Fashion Ads
The Mulberry Fall 2012 Campaign is Entirely Enchanting
Creepy Cause Campaigns
Creepy Cause Campaigns
The K.I.D.S. 2011 Print Ads Show How Children's Diabetes Kills Innocence
Morbid Magazine Marketing
Morbid Magazine Marketing
The Ritual Magazine Italia Ad Campaign Depicts Creepy Kids
Role Reversal Shockvertising
Role Reversal Shockvertising
'Humans for Animals' Creates an Alarming Campaign