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46 Charming Cereal Creations

From Illuminating Cereal Containers to 80s Movie Breakfast Boxes

— March 2, 2012 — Lifestyle
If you're a fan of your early morning Cheerios, then you're sure to get a kick out of these charming cereal creations. One of the world's favorite breakfast foods, a bowl of cereal is the perfect quick hunger fix. Since there are legions of cereal-lovers out there, the market has seen countless intriguing flavors and cereal-inspired accessories emerge in recent years.

Kick back and munch on a bowl of cupcake-inspired cereal, or enjoy a bite of marshmallow-only Lucky Charms. If you're into labels, you'll love the designer label cereal line and, if Rice Krispie Squares are the way to your heart, why not indulge in the Lucky Charms version? With so many ways to enjoy this perfect early-morning snack, you're liable to never skip breakfast again.

Get the most out of your morning bowlful with these charming cereal creations.
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Illuminating Cereal Boxes
Illuminating Cereal Boxes
Breakfast of the Future is Full of Intelligent Cereal Boxes
Life-Sized Cereal Toys
Life-Sized Cereal Toys
Dare Promotes the New Honda Civic With a Massive Munchy Monument
Marshmallow-Only Cereal
Marshmallow-Only Cereal
Cereal Marshmallows is a Sugary-Sweet Way to Start Your Day
Mini Edible Landmarks
Mini Edible Landmarks
Rice Krispyhenge is the Delicious Version of Stonehenge
Illuminating Breakfast Containers
Illuminating Breakfast Containers
The Cereal Bowl Lamp as a Part of a Bright Nutritious Meal
Cupcake-Trumping Cereal
Cupcake-Trumping Cereal
The Kellogg's Fiber Plus Cupcake Commercial Satisfies Your Sweet Tooth
Sugary Sweet Manipulated Mascots
Sugary Sweet Manipulated Mascots
Ron English Creates a More Realistic Depiction of Classic Cereals
Sweet Cereal Sieves
Sweet Cereal Sieves
The Lucky Charms Sifter Separates the Good Stuff from the Bad
Cereal-Clad Cakes
Cereal-Clad Cakes
These Lucky Charms Cupcakes Are Loaded With Good Fortune
Sit-Down Cereal Cafes
Sit-Down Cereal Cafes
Mix'N'Match Snacks
Mix'N'Match Snacks
MixMyGranola Lets You PIck Your Favorite Ingredients
Brand-Etched Breakfasts
Brand-Etched Breakfasts
Kelloggs Fires Lasers Across Bowls to Thwart Fake Flakes
Wizardly Cereal Cartoons (UPDATE)
Wizardly Cereal Cartoons (UPDATE)
Sean Clark Draws a Series of Quirky Harry Potter Breakfasts
80s Movie Breakfast Boxes
80s Movie Breakfast Boxes
Ian Glaubinger Brings Back Classic Films in Cereal Form
Frozen Fruity Cereal Treats
Frozen Fruity Cereal Treats
The Boo Berry Ice Cream Recipe is Sure to Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth
Spine-Tingling Trading Cards
Spine-Tingling Trading Cards
'Cereal Killers' by Artist Joe Simko is a Series That Spoofs & Scares
Sci-Fi Breakfasts
Sci-Fi Breakfasts
This Collection of Star Wars Breakfast Cereal Boxes Looks Fun and Tasty
Creamy Cereal Creations
Creamy Cereal Creations
The Lucky Charms Ice Cream Sandwich is a Nostalgic Summer Indulgence
Branded First Finger Foods
Branded First Finger Foods
Cheerios for Tots
Cereal Bowl Light
Cereal Bowl Light
But Why?
Cereal Frozen Treats
Cereal Frozen Treats
MilkMade Ice Cream Launches Two Flavors Made with Sugary Breakfast Cereals
Portly Cereal Icons
Portly Cereal Icons
Fat Tony the Tiger by Ron English Warns Against Sugary Breakfasts
Frozen Cereal Treats
Frozen Cereal Treats
The Cinnamon Toast Crunch Ice Cream Recipe is Delightful
Pro Athlete Breakfasts
Pro Athlete Breakfasts
Wheaties Fuel Cereal is Food Fit For Champions
Colossal Cereal Campaigns
Colossal Cereal Campaigns
The Honey Shreddies Ads Advertise Sweet Taste
Geeky Snack Packaging
Geeky Snack Packaging
Star Wars Cereals Mini-Boxes are Yummy Collectibles
Cereal Beer
Cereal Beer
Non-Traditional Ingredients Make Breakfast Taste Like Happy Hour
Olympic Cereal Mascots
Olympic Cereal Mascots
Michael Phelps Endorses Kellogg's Frosted Flakes
Cereal Box Transformers
Cereal Box Transformers
Transform Yourself with the DIY Optimus Prime Costume
Cereal Vending
Cereal Vending
Scandalous Cereals
Scandalous Cereals
FDA Scolds Cheerios for Hyperbolic Ad Claims
Retro Breakfast Exhibits
Retro Breakfast Exhibits
The Online Sugar Frosted Cereal Museum
Silly Cereal Ads
Silly Cereal Ads
All Bran Helps Unhealthy Food Find Its Way Out
Fruit Loop Fashion
Fruit Loop Fashion
Swagger Adds Some Style to Breakfast Cereals
One-Second Morning Meals
One-Second Morning Meals
The Flip-Down Breakfast Toaster Prepares a Meal Fast
Sogginess Preventing Cereal Bowls
Sogginess Preventing Cereal Bowls
Two-Faced Food Containers
Two-Faced Food Containers
Never Have Soggy Cereal Again With the Obol Bowl
Designer Breakfast Foods
Designer Breakfast Foods
The Cereal Couture Series Gives Morning Meals a Luxury Lift
Historical Meal Breakdowns
Historical Meal Breakdowns
The Birth of Breakfast Cereal Infographic Travels Back in Time
Cereal Box Bling
Cereal Box Bling
These Rapper Chains are Inspired by Childhood Memories
Delectable Breakfast Branding
Delectable Breakfast Branding
Chatterbox Cereal Packaging Serves Up Food for Thought
Milk-Like Cereal Merchandizing
Milk-Like Cereal Merchandizing
This Special K Packaging Mimicks the Look of its Liquid Sidekick
Cereal Scultpures
Cereal Scultpures
Rice Krispies Edible Art
Vintage Cereal Fashion
Vintage Cereal Fashion
Get Your Kix With Boo Berrywear T-Shirts
Celebrating Cereal and Consumerism
Celebrating Cereal and Consumerism
Iconic Images from Breakfast Foods
Breakfast Cereal Cakes
Breakfast Cereal Cakes
These Cinnamon Toast Crunch Cupcakes Taste Like the Real Deal