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Jamie Coomber

Global Brand & Customer Director
Member Since
Jul 2007
Jamie has over 19 years of marketing experience with some of the world’s most recognisable and forward thinking brands, working in-house at both Converse and Sonos and working within agencies leading clients such as Mini, Channel 4 and Levis. Based in cities such as London, Boston and New York, Jamie has often leveraged verticals such as music, film, art and fashion, working with some of the world’s biggest bands, artists, designers and directors.
Digital Projections
Digital Projections
Sixthsense is an Interactive Wearable Gestural Interface
You gotta love what’s coming out of MIT. One of their latest projects, Sixthsense, is a wearable projector that interacts with your surrounding environment by overlaying interactive content over everyday… MORE
Giant Scale Public Texting
Giant Scale Public Texting
NYC Artist Asks Londoners About Street Crime
London advertising agency Profero teamed up with New York urban artist Paul Notzold to create two events for Channel 4's "Disarming Britain" season. The events will show Paul's work projected onto the… MORE
Charity Viral
Charity Viral
ActionAid Asks Who Pays with Customised Game
Nonsense London have just created this fun game for ActionAid inviting users to digitally dress up and make their own animation. It is to support ActionAid’s Who Pays? campaign who are lobbying for… MORE
Social Network for Kids
Social Network for Kids
Moshi Monsters
London-based gaming agency Mind Candy have developed a new social-networking sites for kids called Moshi Monsters. Instead of creating their own user profiles, kids can adopt their own monster. Users… MORE
DIY Virtual Music Fest
DIY Virtual Music Fest
Adidas Originals Festival
Adidas have teamed up with Vice magazine in Australia to launch a great new site allowing users to create their dream music festival. The Originals Festival site allows users to select from a range… MORE
Ethical Brand Debate
Ethical Brand Debate
Unilever Attacked in Latest Dove Campaign
Unilever is under scrutiny as activists, journalists and bloggers have criticized the company for being hypercritical through the latest Dove “Onslaught” campaign where Dove show the ugly side of beauty,… MORE
Nokia Christmas Lights
Nokia Christmas Lights
Unity Display on Regent Street
Nokia is this year's sponsor for the Christmas lights on Regent Street and have approached their agency, Weiden & Kennedy, to design the display. The creation is called `Unity’ and consists of 14 clusters… MORE
14 Hour & 40 Min Ad
14 Hour & 40 Min Ad
Emirates Airlines Non-Stop Info From Dubai to Sao Paulo
This is one of those Dubai marketing strokes of genius. LeanMeanFightingMachine developed a campaign for Emirates Airlines to mark the launch of their non-stop flight from Dubai to Sao Paulo. The campaign… MORE
Chinese Anime For Motorola
Chinese Anime For Motorola
Xiao Xiao RAZR2 Ad
Motorola has enlisted the help of Chinese animator Zhu Zhiqiang to create a tongue in cheek version of the RAZR2 TV ad in the same style as the Xiao Xiao movie. The 75 second clip shows the characters… MORE
Video Virals
Video Virals
Diesel Is Human After All
Brave but very, very good. The latest videos by Italian fashion house, Diesel, are for their "Human After All" campaign. They provide an inside look into the worlds of Diesel-clad heroes in three unique… MORE
MINI Lessons
MINI Lessons
Life Skills No One Taught You
To celebrate the launch of the new Clubman model in November, MINI is offering Londoners the chance to skip their normal lunch breaks to master a few life skills no one will ever teach you otherwise. They… MORE
MINI's 'The Other View' Campaign
MINI's 'The Other View' Campaign
Time Delayed Internet Viral
Profero has just launched a very interesting campaign for MINI in the lead up to the launch of the new Clubman model. I’m not usually one to promote our own work, but this is kind of fantastic.… MORE
Interactive Storefronts
Interactive Storefronts
Elle MacPherson Intimates NY Fashion Week
For New York Fashion Week, Elle MacPherson Intimates launched an interactive storefront, allowing users to reveal the video footage of the models on the windows through their movements on the street. This… MORE
Universal Phone Charger
Universal Phone Charger
Manufacturers Agree On Design
At last! Boing Boing have reported that the Open Mobile Terminal Platform (OMTP) group has decided to standardise mobile chargers so we can wave goodbye to annoying work emails such as “does anyone have… MORE
Harvey Nichols Viral
Harvey Nichols Viral
Fashionable Food
DDB was incredibly brave with this video. The objective was to create a piece of work that would go viral, and through this video, they have certainly achieved that. Some of the references such as the… MORE
Interactive Music Video
Interactive Music Video
Viral Bob Dylan Album
This is a great site created to celebrate the release of Bob Dylan’s Greatest Hits album, to be released October 1st. The site pays homage to his video for Subterranean Homesick Blues and allows users… MORE
Life Without Labels
Life Without Labels
Bonfire Of The Brands
Last year London-based journalist, Neil Boorman, experimented with living a brand-free life. Boorman set fire to everything he owned that was branded, and proceeded to document his findings. Since the… MORE
O2 Advergame
O2 Advergame
Virtually Stare Down Top Rugby Players
O2 have launched a new game to tie in with their "Scrum in the Park" event, where users have to out stare down their challengers -- British Rugby’s Mike Tindall, Josh Lewsey and Tom Rees. To play the… MORE
Racing Seats For Gamers
Racing Seats For Gamers
Consoles Get Comfy
Playseats has come up with the ultimate driving experience for gaming fanatics, a racing seat that holds your steering wheel and control pedal, providing an experience that is almost as good as the real… MORE
Social Tagging Via SMS
Social Tagging Via SMS
Text Your Location With Plazes
Like a cross between Socialight and Twitter, Plazes is the latest micro blogging platform that enables you to geotag exactly where you are, or where you are heading to. Rather than texting friends you're… MORE
Gillette Launches Advergame
Gillette Launches Advergame
The Undetectables Promote Stealth Razor
Gillette have launched a new game called The Undetectables to promote their Stealth range. Your mission is to act with precision and power (tenuous link admittedly) to recover the stealth razor which has… MORE
Wii While You Pee
Wii While You Pee
Gaming in Toilets To Promote DUI Awareness
This is pure genuis. Saatchi & Saatchi in Frankfurt were asked to come up with a way to get the attention of potential drunk drivers. The solution? Reach them when they are in the toilet and get them to… MORE
Audiovisual Mixes
Audiovisual Mixes
Addictive TV Turn Films Into Music
This is very cool. Addictive TV are a London based collective made up of DJ’s and audio-visual artists, who compile mixes using scenes from films combined with music videos. I have recently attended… MORE
Virtual Tours For Avatars
Virtual Tours For Avatars
London Gallery Somerset House Opens Interactive Gallery
London Gallery Somerset House has commissioned Turner Prize finalists Ben Langlands and Nikki Bell to create an online 3D interactive version of the gallery. Users will be able to create their own personalized… MORE
Self Serving Ads That Save the World
Self Serving Ads That Save the World
'Airside and Mother' Promote Firm + Earth
This is a really sweet animation put together by ad agencies Airside and Mother on how we can do our bit to save the earth. The interesting takeaway is that their animation actually serves as a great… MORE
3D Flash Experiments As Art
3D Flash Experiments As Art
The Lab by Mathieu Badimon
Can 3d flash experiments be art? A couple minutes in this unique medium and you'll probably agree. This simple but unique site contains some very cool 3D flash experiments that are sure to grab your… MORE
Experiential Advertising
Experiential Advertising
Volkswagon Glamorizes 'Night Driving'
This is a really nice slick campaign website for Volkswagen. The concept is very simple, a dedicated site for the user to experience the wonders of night time driving with detailed explanations into the… MORE
Adblocking Hack Replaces Ads with Art
Adblocking Hack Replaces Ads with Art
Artists Steve Lambert and Evan Harper are working on modifying the current Adblock Plus tool to replace all advertising on web browsers with original pieces of art. Addart will display pieces chosen by… MORE
Ad Agency Uses Modified 404 Page as Their Webpage
This is a rather nice little gimmick from Atlanta-based marketing agency WestWayne. They have modified their website to resemble a 404 error page telling visitors, "The consumer you are trying to sell… MORE
Product Simulation Game
Product Simulation Game
Chevrolet Prisma Test Life
Mu Young Creative in Brazil have created this advergame for Chevrolet called Prisma Test Life. The games takes the user through a series of obstacles that they must overcome using the benefits of the car.… MORE
Personalised Mini Stickers
Personalised Mini Stickers
Upload Images, Plaster Everywhere
Moo have launched a new mini stickers concept that allows the user to upload images from Flickr, Bebo or Habbo and turn them into a customised sticker book with tear out sheets for you to pass on. They… MORE
Framed Paintings as Billboards?
Framed Paintings as Billboards?
'The Grand Tour' Brings Art to the Street
London agency, The Partners have developed a rather interesting campaign for The National Gallery entitled `The Grand Tour'. The objective was to bring art to the streets of London in everyday places where… MORE
Underwater Sculptures
Underwater Sculptures
London artist Jason Taylor has installed a series of his sculptures under the sea off the coast of Grenada. The aim of the sculpture park is to create a unique space which highlights environmental processes… MORE
Talking Paper
Talking Paper
Digital Paper That Can Speak
Researchers from Mid Sweden University have designed interactive paper enabled to play a recorded sound in response to a user's touch. The paper is part of a project running at the University. Their intention… MORE
Street Art as Advertising
Street Art as Advertising
Artist Places Gold Bullion Throughout London
In a clear example of the ever fine line between art and advertising, artist Paul Insect recently placed a stack of signed mock Gold bullions detailing the words "if you have me, I was stolen" in strategic… MORE