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Alex Covert

Jack of all Trades
Member Since
Jul 2007
Alex Covert is a self-made technologist. He is interested in human-computer interfaces, techno gadgets, the peculiar, environmental concepts, internet phenomenons, the visually stunning, off-the-wall travel, clever marketing ideas, and luxury toys. This list is not all inclusive, however, and really, only begins to define this modern day explorer.
Social Media Martial Arts
Social Media Martial Arts
Knuckleburger.Com Compiles Modern Day Warriors' Tweets
Mixed martial arts (MMA) is a full contact, combat sport that has found itself in mainstream sports discussions. Made popular by the Ultimate Fighting Championships (UFC), a U.S.-based MMA promotion company,… MORE
Tweet App Reviews
Tweet App Reviews
Scattertree is a Twitter-Based, iPhone App Supersite
The world, it seems, has gone app-crazy. Blackberry, Android, and the indisputable leader, iPhone, all tout an ever-growing collection of applications. Games, utilities, and time-wasters. There is, quite… MORE
Smart App Recommendations
Smart App Recommendations Picks iPhone Apps Based on Your Social Media Profiles
Don’t have time to sift through 60,000+ apps? Me neither. Sure, I spent the first couple evenings perusing through iTunes, but in the end, I had downloaded a mere 16 apps. That’s it… just 16! Apple’s television… MORE
After-Film Fun 2 .0
After-Film Fun 2 .0 is an Online Post-Credits Scene Database
Stingers are those extra scenes or additional clips after a movie’s credits. They offer some satisfaction to those people stuck in the middle of the theater who are waiting for everyone else to exit or… MORE
White Roofs
White Roofs
U.S. Wants Homeowners To Paint Rooftops a Lighter Shade of Eco
We don’t have to install CO2 scrubbers or shoot billions of tons of greenhouse gases into geological formations to save the Earth from global warming. All we have to do is paint our world a pale shade… MORE
Deliberate Uglification
Deliberate Uglification
Trashing Your Camera to Deter Potential Thieves
We try so hard to prevent our shiny new possessions from getting scratched, scuffed, or dented - our cars, iPhones, laptops, etc. Heck, my brother just returned a clothes washing machine that was delivered… MORE
Motion-Activated Movie Seats
Motion-Activated Movie Seats
D-BOX Motion Code Rattles Audiences Nationwide
In much the same way that video game controllers shake and vibrate when you get blown up, these movie theater seats react to scenes in movies. D-BOX Motion Code technology is the fancy name for motion-activated… MORE
Ancient Typographic Rebirth
Ancient Typographic Rebirth
‘Angels & Demons' Ambigram Reignites Love for Mirror Words
It seems there is a renewed interest in ambigrams thanks to Ron Howard’s movie, “Angels and Demons.” In the movie, Robert Langdon (Tom Hanks) comes across the word ‘Illuminati’, presented as an ambigram… MORE
Classic Movie Makeovers
Classic Movie Makeovers
Chace Crawford Takes the Lead Role in "Footloose" Remake
The classic movie "Footloose" debuted in 1984 and featured acting legends such as Kevin Bacon, John Lithgow, Sarah Jessica Parker, and Chris Penn. "Footloose" is a classic tale about a rebellious teenager… MORE
$84,800 Nissans
$84,800 Nissans
Orange Nissan GTR Supercar Has $35,000 Worth of Extras
eBay seller vqmotoring-online has tempted our visual taste buds by auctioning off an orange Nissan GTR. This eBay listing has managed to get blogged about, probably because of its extreme amount of modifications.… MORE
Virus Tracking Technology
Virus Tracking Technology
Japanese Mobiles Single Out Swine Flu Victims
A highly invasive, government-funded application that uses GPS technology to monitor sickos has finally been created. No, I’m not talking about something useful like alerting the authorities when a… MORE
Landline Endangerment
Landline Endangerment
People Ditch Landlines for Mobiles and Alternatives
I dropped my landline’s long-distance calling plan years ago, opting instead to use a cheaper alternative… my mobile phone. I have often wondered why I have the landline at all. Apparently, I’m not alone.… MORE
Million-Friend Milestones
Million-Friend Milestones
Oprah's Twitter Followers Reach 1 Million, And Other Tweet Headline
It only took Oprah one month to obtain over 1 million followers on Twitter. Since Twitter is currently the greatest thing since sliced bread according to the media, I think I’ll start posting the latest… MORE
Ultra-Clean Hotels
Ultra-Clean Hotels
No-Swine-Flu Guarantee to Revive Mexican Tourism
The Swine flu scare seems to have died down, but it is still a very real concern in Mexico - the country hit the hardest by this strange-acting virus. Specifically, tourism has taken a nosedive and quite… MORE
2 Man Guitars
2 Man Guitars
Antoine Dufour & Tommy Gauthier Use Four Hands for Twice the Sound
There’s two ways to play a guitar: strumming and picking. You can do both… but not like this. Watch this video as Antoine Dufour and Tommy Gauthier show you what I mean. They play a song together and… MORE
Twitter Personal Ads
Twitter Personal Ads
Radaroo Microblogs the Language of Love
Do you hear that? Something’s atwitter and I’m not talking about a state of nervous excitement… or maybe I am. Twitter is definitely in the air, though, along with the many, many applications powered by… MORE
Swimming Power Plants
Swimming Power Plants
Checkmate Group's 500 ft Anaconda Creates Electricity from the Ocean
It’s 600-feet long… a massive, serpent slithering through the open ocean. But this snake has good intentions. Really! Developed by the Checkmate Group, the “anaconda” is the latest design that hopes to… MORE
Twitter Rumormongering
Twitter Rumormongering Dishes the Dirty Details
As the number of Twitter users continues to grow, so too do the applications built from the millions of real-time tweets posted on the popular microblogging site. Twitter taps into the “right now,” which… MORE
Wooden Bicycles
Wooden Bicycles
Holzweg Bike Uses Ash Wood to Enhance Suspension
A lot of designs that incorporate wood try to totally replace another material such as steel or plastic. This bike design by Arndt Menke, however, uses the organic stuff in only a few key locations. The… MORE
Transparent Vehicles
Transparent Vehicles
Sara Watson Makes a Car Disappear With Paint
University of Central Lancashire (Uclan) design student Sara Watson wanted to make something disappear. Not with magic, but with a technique that she was more familiar with—painting. Recycling Lives,… MORE
Lost Video Footage
Lost Video Footage
Clip of 22-Year-Old Susan Boyle Singing Surfaces
In an age of limitless video footage, juicy material is available if someone only takes the time to sift through it. Gerry McGuinness did just that - digging up this interesting piece from a long time… MORE
Google Height Hacks
Google Height Hacks
Discovering the Height of American Icons
After reading a recent article about the prospects of Abraham Lincoln having a rare genetic disorder that explains his tall height, I decided to do a search on Google to see just how tall the Ex-President… MORE
Pinched Flesh Alphabets
Pinched Flesh Alphabets
Twisted Typography from Arjan Benning
I could ramble on about the artistic underpinnings of these photos or ask such questions as “Whose skin is this?” or “How did the idea for this come about?” or “What part of the body is that?” I could.… MORE
Luxe Media Loungers
Luxe Media Loungers
The Heimweh Loge is the Lamborghini of Chairs
The display of this chair with a Lamborghini in the background sets the tone appropriately, I think. Designer Helmut Schafferhofer obviously sees his Heimweh Loge chair as a luxury item. The Heimweh… MORE
Bottled Bathwater
Bottled Bathwater
'10 Thousand BC Glacier Bath' Makes Bathing an Opulent Affair
Forget about drinking bottled water--now you can bathe in it! Based on the 10 Thousand BC brand of fine imported water, Glacier Bath hails from the Coastal Glacier Range in British Columbia, Canada. It… MORE
Spare Desk Finders
Spare Desk Finders
Search For Your New Office Space with 'Desk Space Genie'
There’s nothing fancy-looking about the site, but then, those are the website that surprise you the most, aren’t they? is the UK’s (and potentially the world’s) first web site for… MORE
Musical Odes to Sci-Fi
Musical Odes to Sci-Fi
10 Strange Star Wars Songs, From Banjo To Homemade Tuba
There are thousands of aspiring musicians who post videos of themselves and their music on YouTube in hopes of becoming the next big thing. The people in these 10 videos more than likely won’t make it… MORE
Lip-Syncing iPhone Apps
Lip-Syncing iPhone Apps
'Mouth Off' Gives Your Words a Virtual Mouthpiece
Thanks to "Late Night with Jimmy Fallon," 'Mouth Off' is the latest iPhone application to go viral. It works like this: Put the iPhone up to your mouth (not necessary, but kind of defeats the purpose if… MORE
Fashion Model Robots
Fashion Model Robots
The HRP-4C Is Japan's Answer to Unaging Female Models
This video shows Japan’s Naked Fashion Robot. OK, so she's not really naked, I guess, as her android skin is embedded with armor-like plates. Let’s call it “robot-naked." Anyway, the HRP-4C is a walking,… MORE
Overachieving Toilets
Overachieving Toilets
St. Thomas Creations' Quattro Flushing Technology is Ridiculous
We eat. Our bodies get rid of the waste. No trend here, right? Perhaps not. There’s a new toilet in town, however. A company called St. Thomas Creations uses Quattro Flushing Technology that simply washes… MORE
Segway With Legs
Segway With Legs
The Cajun Crawler Redefines Geeky Personal Transit
Sometimes… just sometimes, you have to reinvent the wheel, or in this case, the legs. A group of students from the University of Louisiana built this Segway-ish scooter (can it be called that?) with insect-like… MORE
Wrist-Worn Computers
Wrist-Worn Computers
The Zypad WR1100 is the Ultimate Functional Geek Fashion
Trendhunter covered the original, wearable computer (Zypad WL1000 model) back in 2006. The new version (Zypad WR1100) has gotten a bit clunkier, but has gained a few more functions. The Zypad WR1100… MORE
Splashtastic Giant Masterpieces
Splashtastic Giant Masterpieces
Citystar Lagoons In Egypt Is New Largest Swimming Pool on Earth
The current world’s largest pool resides at the San Alfonso del Mar Resort in Chile. It is one kilometer in length and covers an area of 8 hectares. Crystal Lagoons, the group responsible for this Guinness… MORE
Unbelievable Surrealism as Art
Unbelievable Surrealism as Art
Erik Johansson's Remarkable Photoshopping
Erik Johansson is a Swedish Photoshopping genius who takes his own pictures and manipulates them into surreal scenes - scenes that defy logic… scenes that make it hard to stop looking at them… scenes that… MORE
Cooking With Celebrity Sweat
Cooking With Celebrity Sweat
When PETA Cooks, You Get Clofu: George-Clooney Flavored Tofu
“As a mammal, I’m offended,” was actor George Clooney’s response to the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) and their latest advance in obtaining celebrity endorsement for their… MORE
Glowing Geekcessories
Glowing Geekcessories
Keep Your Pants Up AND Battle Evil Orcs With The BeltSword
In their own words, “Lightning Fast… Can’t—See-it! Hear-it! Stop-it!…Until It’s Too Late!” This is a quote from the sellers of the BeltSword (lightening crashes). It's a 32.5 inch, flexible… MORE

Featured Ideas

Draganflyer Stabilized Aerial Video System
Draganflyer Stabilized Aerial Video System
Is that a bald spot I see? The Draganflyer is a remote controlled helicoptor equipped with a video camera. This is no child's toy, however. At $2,500, you get four high speed electric motors, a wireless… MORE
Ultra Elite Luxury Social Site
Ultra Elite Luxury Social Site
Diamond Lounge
On October 1st, 2007, Diamond Lounge, an elite online members club will open for business. A social networking site for the 'genuine' elite, Diamond Lounge is very selective on who it lets join (supposedly… MORE
World's First REAL Diving Car
World's First REAL Diving Car
sQuba by Rinspeed
Rinspeed's concept car, sQuba, is set to make its debut at the 2008 Geneva Motor Show (March 6th thru 16th, 2008). The car is similar to past concepts from Rinspeed in that it also operates in water but,… MORE
Hip Modular Housing
Hip Modular Housing
Container City
Urban Space Management uses old shipping containers - bolted together in different configurations to provide an environmentally-friendly and affordable alternative to traditional buildings. Container City,… MORE
Pink Hay Bales
Pink Hay Bales
Pepto-Bismol Prairie Decor
If you’ve ever driven through miles and mile of farmland, you know how monotonous it is. Corn or soybeans as far as the eye can see, with an occasional barn thrown in. Svein Møxvold decided to add some… MORE
Better Smelling Gas
Better Smelling Gas
The Flatulence Deodorizer
A company called Flat-D Innovations, Inc. specializes in making the natural act of passing gas more tolerable. They sell a product called The Flatulence Deodorizer that supposed to take the stink out of… MORE
eBooks Go Mainstream
eBooks Go Mainstream
10 Ways To Read An Electronic Book
Ever since the first 64K computers donned our living rooms, we’ve been hearing how paper would become an antiquated product - with electronics replacing it at every conceivable chance. This prediction… MORE
Snow Bunny Boots
Snow Bunny Boots
Furry Fireside Footwear
Have you ever watched one of those shows where a man is dropped into the wilderness with only the clothes on his back and a camera? Luxury designer Tom Ford has a new collection of fur boots that seem… MORE
From Blog To Book
From Blog To Book
27 Websites In Print
There are still plenty of people who don’t know what a blog is. In all fairness though, a “blog” isn’t that easy to define. Is it an online magazine? A diary? A collection of poems? It can be any of those… MORE
Freakishly Funky Pianos
Freakishly Funky Pianos
The Gibson Exotic Collection
Baldwin, the piano brand in the Gibson family (think guitars), has introduced their Exotic Collection. The pianos in this collection are brilliantly colored with nontraditional plates, keys, and lids.… MORE
Strap-On Transportation
Strap-On Transportation
Skorpion Skates
A mix between traditional 4-wheeled skates and a skateboard, the Skorpion brand skates offers a unique experience. Users strap the Skorpions on over their favorite shoes and partake in some urban skating,… MORE
Inflatable Architecture
Inflatable Architecture
Blow-Up Concrete Building
Researchers at Kassel University are exploring a new type of building material that involves inflating a flexible skin and then, filling embedded cavities with concrete. Voila - inflatable concrete! A… MORE
Rapping Bikers as Holiday Spokesmen
Rapping Bikers as Holiday Spokesmen
Sears Golden Wish Sweepstakes Features Motley Crew
Sears has brought a motley crew of unlikely spokesmen together for their Golden Wish Ticket Online Instant Win Game: Ty Pennington, LL Cool J and the guys from Orange County Choppers. You could win one… MORE
Extraterrestrial Inaugural Celebrations
Extraterrestrial Inaugural Celebrations
UFO Spotted Flying Past the Washington Monument
UFO inauguration and Obama UFO are two search terms that are setting the Internet on fire. The Web is all abuzz with rumors of a UFO flying over Washington D.C. during President Obama’s inauguration.… MORE