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Jacqueline Biggs

Strategic Planner
Member Since
May 2006
Jacqueline has her finger fimly on the global pulse, despite being based in London. As she's always on the hunt for the next big thing she's a regular contributor to both Trendhunter and Adcult magazine.
Digg Fraud
Digg Fraud
Users Paying For Popularity
Digg-ers dig popular stories and anticipate the cool news...don't they? Many people believe that only the genuinely popular stuff gets promoted....but is that really true? Seems not. "Wired" decided to… MORE
Rats At KFC-Taco Bell, NYC Wreak Havoc For Yum
Rats At KFC-Taco Bell, NYC Wreak Havoc For Yum
NYC health department closed the Greenwich Village oulet after rats were seen running wild in the outlet. Far from a localised issue - this has global consquences, as a video of the vermin has exploded… MORE
The Social Dictionary
Today saw the launch of a new online dictionary and thesaurus called WordSource. A dictionary with a difference, it has various social features, enabling users to upload photos linked to the words, add… MORE
The Worm
The Worm
The Longest Collaborative Image On The Internet
Bluesfear have developed a visual collaboration of digital art. Essentially, it's a very long image made up of smaller images with each artist blending their image to the previous. It's a community project… MORE
MySpace and YouTube Competitors
MySpace and YouTube Competitors
New, free and anonymous, Stickam is the latest social website to enter the ring. But it’s a social website with a difference, as it offers live and uncut videos and chat, ringing alarm bells of parents… MORE
Media Multitasking
Media Multitasking
The way young people are consuming media is changing dramatically and this report by the Kaiser Family Foundation explores trends in the growing phenomenon of media multitasking amongst young Americans.… MORE
Doodle In 3D
Doodle In 3D
Doodle is getting geeky techno junkies all in a fluster - it's a "work-in-progress that explores the possibilities of intuitive and direct drawing in 3D virtual space". Unfortunately there's only a limited… MORE
Streaker Love Story
Streaker Love Story
Shameless Public Nudity
Virals and nudity often go hand in hand and some might say they can even be good for business. Add to these a hoax and you could be heading for a trifecta. This seems to be the idea behind… MORE
First All-User Generated News Programme
BBC News 24 has launched what is believed to be the first all user-generated news programme, 'Your News', featuring new stories made up from material sent in by the public. 'Your News', which began a pilot… MORE
Consumer Generated Media
Consumer Generated Media
The Coca Cola Challenge
It seems Coke has learned a thing or two about the need to embrace the consumer generated phenomenon. After the initial Coke/Mentos videos ‘debacle’, when Coke took the high ground saying that they… MORE
Hollywood Embraces Web 2.0
Hollywood Embraces Web 2.0
Snakes on a Plane - you cant fail to have seen or heard some of the hype - thousands of websites, blogs, homemade trailers, posters and songs dedicated to the movie – and it’s yet to be released. Such… MORE
Yahoo Launches Online Video Show
Yahoo Launches Online Video Show
Aimed at the young and web savvy, Yahoo has launched a beta of a TV-like online video show called "The 9" – it’s a daily video compilation show featuring the nine top "Web finds" of the day. The requisite… MORE
Cyber Crooks on the Increase
Cyber Crooks on the Increase
The profit motive has never been greater for cybercrooks to take control of a PC to hijack online accounts and commit identity theft. Yet most people don't realise the degree to which their favourite software… MORE
Social Money: The Next Big Thing?
Social Money: The Next Big Thing?
Hot on the heels of the explosion of social networking is the emergence of a new market dubbed “social money” – the informal currency between friends. PayPal, MasterCard, Cingular, and a host of… MORE
Wearable Canoe
Wearable Canoe
Continuing on the wearable art trend - and inspired by the floods in New Orleans, Yael Mer designed a skirt that inflates and turns into a canoe in case of flood. Emergency and beauty can meet each it… MORE
Automatic Blanket Remover
Automatic Blanket Remover
The Ultimate Alarm Clock?
Need to wake up early tomorrow morning? Well this latest invention should ensure you get up on time –whether you like it or not. If you switch off your snooze button, your blanket will be torn down in… MORE
Campaign Wiki
Campaign Wiki
Could this be the start of the era of net-driven participatory politics? Is new media capable of inventing a new era of politics? Wikipedia founder Jimmy “Jimbo” Wales seems to think so,... MORE
Yahoo Tech Buzz Game for Future Products
Yahoo Tech Buzz Game for Future Products
Calling all geeks – Yahoo have introduced a fantasy prediction market for high-tech products, concepts, and trends. Your goal as a player is to predict how popular various technologies will be in the… MORE
World's First Eco Scooter
World's First Eco Scooter
For all you eco warriors out there - Ecodrive has just announced their launch of the world's first battery powered motorcycles and scooters. Given they offer the economy of a bicycle (no licence, registration,… MORE
IMicrosoft Online Demographic Predictor
IMicrosoft Online Demographic Predictor
Interesting new tool from Microsoft - AdCenter technology can predict a customer’s age, gender, and other demographic information according to his or her online behaviour that is, from search queries… MORE
Solar Boat Race
Solar Boat Race
More than 20 teams from Europe and the US are gearing up for the Nuon Solar Challenge - a contest to build and race a solar-powered boat - to run from July 1st. But given it is held in rainy Netherlands… MORE
Live Locators
Live Locators Lets You Leave Your Mark on the World
Share where you go, while on the go. Online or from your mobile, place a flag to reveal your location, or keep an eye on your mates, as they leave theirs. A flag is a real-world, geographic bookmark that… MORE
Migraine Zapper
Migraine Zapper
Unbearable headaches and sensitivity to bright lights could be a thing of the past. The hand-held migraine zapper is a gadget which produces short but strong, low-frequency magnetic pulses that suppress… MORE
Re-Create Lost Memories
Should you ever forget (or lose) your camera – fear not – just brief the guys at Fixr on what you missed out on and they’ll find a photo that best captures the experience and you upload it to your Flickr… MORE
Genpets Foolery
Genpets Foolery
Viral Campaign Creates Fake New Species
Seems the world hasn't infact gone mad...and the Gen Pets are just a spoof. A viral campaign instigated by an upandcoming sculptor, whose purpose for the project appears to be a mixture of commercial art,… MORE
Instant Personal Space
Instant Personal Space
Hide yourself away from hectic surroundings and create instant personal space. Wearers simply pull up the dress, zip the skirt all around themselves and an air cartridge inflates the skirt to form a cocoon… MORE
Sudoku Loo Roll
Sudoku Loo Roll
Is the end nigh for a relaxing read of the newspaper while you’re in the loo? Well, time is the most precious commodity we have and we should use it wisely, which is perhaps the rationale for the why… MORE
Frozen Baked Bean Sarnies
Frozen Baked Bean Sarnies
Capitalising on the cash rich time poor generation – Heinz have invented the frozen baked bean sandwich, which simply needs to be heated in a toaster. The impending launch is supported by a somewhat… MORE
Mad Mobs To Be Quelled by Goo
Mad Mobs To Be Quelled by Goo
With getup reminiscent of Ghostbusters, riotous crowds may soon be quelled by slime so slippery it’s impossible to stay on your feet. Wearing Ghostbuster-like backpacks, peacekeepers will be able to… MORE
USB Powered Clothes
USB Powered Clothes
One of the latest inventions to come from Japan are USB powered air conditioned clothes. The clothes have two 10cm fans located on the sides of clothing. Apparently “these fans draw in a large amount… MORE
Pre-Packaged Pets
Pre-Packaged Pets
Bio-Genica Creates Life With Genpets
Has the world gone mad? This latest invention might see you nodding in violent agreement. Bio-Genica is a Bioengineering Company that has combined, and modified existing DNA to create Genpets - living,… MORE
Google Spreadsheets
Google Spreadsheets
Spreadsheets you can share and edit at the same time, or simply view and chat with your colleagues as you navigate your spreadsheets. Stored online, so you can access them from anywhere. But do they pose… MORE
Burker King & Their Crazy Chickens
Burker King & Their Crazy Chickens
If you want to see chickens "getting air" and "doing tricks" then you should head to Burger King's new website in the US. The more viewers the site receives, the crazier the exploits of the chicken, so… MORE
Innocent Drinks Summer Bingo
Innocent Drinks Summer Bingo
Innocent drinks are encouraging the Brits to make the most of the great outdoors this summer. They've developed a Bingo card synched with their brand values, which apparently presents an interesting challenge… MORE
Gay Days At Walt Disney World
Gay Days At Walt Disney World
The annual GayDays event is in full swing in Orlando. This is the 16th year for the event and over 140,000 event participants are expected. This means huge swings in attendance at themeparks around the… MORE
Wearable Screaming Art For Kids
TRATTIs are wearable screaming devices for children. They generate noise, sound and music (depending on your ear) according to what the kid is looking at. Each TRATTI is different, yet all are similar,… MORE

Featured Ideas

Wearable Screaming Art For Kids
TRATTIs are wearable screaming devices for children. They generate noise, sound and music (depending on your ear) according to what the kid is looking at. Each TRATTI is different, yet all are similar,… MORE
Levi's Truth Booth
Levi's Truth Booth
Jumping on consumer trend for user-generated content and to coincide with the launch of Levi's customised range in Singapore, Levi's have developed a "confession booth" offering consumers the opportunity… MORE
Instant Personal Space
Instant Personal Space
Hide yourself away from hectic surroundings and create instant personal space. Wearers simply pull up the dress, zip the skirt all around themselves and an air cartridge inflates the skirt to form a cocoon… MORE
Pestival Launches In London
Pestival Launches In London
The First International Arts Pestival takes place in London. It's dedicated to raising awareness of the integral role insects play in the global ecosystem and in all animal societies. Many of those insects… MORE
World's Largest Climate Change Experiment
World's Largest Climate Change Experiment
Donate your computer's spare number-crunching power and contribute to the world's most ambitious climate modelling experiment. Climate scientists, led by Oxford University have developed an experiment… MORE
Video Games Find Religion
Video Games Find Religion
Thou shalt play the Bible Game on PSP. It’s a multiplayer quiz that tests players’ knowledge of the Bible and features over 1,500 biblical questions and mini-game challenges based on the inspirational… MORE
Social Money: The Next Big Thing?
Social Money: The Next Big Thing?
Hot on the heels of the explosion of social networking is the emergence of a new market dubbed “social money” – the informal currency between friends. PayPal, MasterCard, Cingular, and a host of… MORE
Solar Boat Race
Solar Boat Race
More than 20 teams from Europe and the US are gearing up for the Nuon Solar Challenge - a contest to build and race a solar-powered boat - to run from July 1st. But given it is held in rainy Netherlands… MORE
Innocent Drinks Summer Bingo
Innocent Drinks Summer Bingo
Innocent drinks are encouraging the Brits to make the most of the great outdoors this summer. They've developed a Bingo card synched with their brand values, which apparently presents an interesting challenge… MORE
Rats At KFC-Taco Bell, NYC Wreak Havoc For Yum
Rats At KFC-Taco Bell, NYC Wreak Havoc For Yum
NYC health department closed the Greenwich Village oulet after rats were seen running wild in the outlet. Far from a localised issue - this has global consquences, as a video of the vermin has exploded… MORE
Renting Riches
Renting Riches
Borrow Designer Bags Online
There are several companies which now offer designer handbags without designer price tags. These include "Bag, Borrow or Steal" in the US, "Be A Fashionista" in the UK, and now "Shoulder Candy" in Canada.… MORE
Broadcast Your Podcast
Broadcast Your Podcast
Break out of the net and into local radio “BYP is an idea and a technology. The idea is to allow people to hear podcasts without the need for expensive equipment or fast internet connections. The technology… MORE
Pricey Purses
Pricey Purses
Forbes Showcases Ridiculously Expensive Handbags
Forbes’ most expensive handbags: While not ever one might be stricken with handbag lust, after long runs of popular, fashion forward shows like Sex in the City, it is certainly a well known affliction.… MORE
Gay Days At Walt Disney World
Gay Days At Walt Disney World
The annual GayDays event is in full swing in Orlando. This is the 16th year for the event and over 140,000 event participants are expected. This means huge swings in attendance at themeparks around the… MORE